Chapter 6

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I stand in a shop called Forever 21. Christina keeps pacing up and down the racks of clothes that appear in front of her.

"We need something for us to wear that will stand out!" she yells from the back of the room. "AHHHHH!! Perfect! TRISSS!!" She screams.

"Calm the hell down woman!" I whisper/yell while running to her.

She holds out an outfit that has long black ripped jeans, a black singlet, a long sleeved checkered top and some ankle boots. And in the other hand she has an outfit that had a checkered shorts, a white crop top that goes just above the stomach, a jersey and some ankle boot heels (it's number 1 for Tris and number 3 for Christina on the picture I have inserted) I love them! They are perfect!

"I am having the one with the checkered shorts!" She yells.

"Alright! There perfect! Let's go!" I say.

We pay and head towards a jewellery shop, I get some bangles and rings. Christina gets a necklace,bangles,earrings and some rings.

"Okay let's get ready at mine" she says. We drive back home and get ready for an exciting night!

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We are all dressed in out new outfits we got from Forever 21. I applied some foundation, eyeliner, mascara and some red/pinkish lipstick. My hair is left down and in waves that grow long past my shoulders.

For once I actually look decent.

"Christina you look amazing!" I say.

"Look in the mirror sweet cheeks! You look stunning" she says.
"It's 8:30. The party starts in 15mins. Let's go!" She says.

I get up and grab my iPhone 5 which has an electric blue case and my black wallet.
We walk down stairs to Christina's car and make our way to Fours party.

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