Hey, Dad

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Zhao Yunlan cleared security of the Xingdu Bureau and was waiting in the hall. After a long time, during which he managed to scrutinize every portrait of every past director, his father's assistant finally appeared. Zhao immediately closed his distance with him and started walking briskly towards his father's office.

"Chief Zhao, I am terribly sorry, Director Zhao is extremely busy. He cannot meet you today." The assistant was trying and failing to get in his way.

"Well, he will have to find a moment. This is a SID life and death situation, very fresh, still in the making, and trust me on this, he really wants to be involved."

"Chief Zhao, please understand. I'll get into trouble if I let you in..." They arrived at the door, and the poor secretary spread out his hands, desperately trying to stop Yunlan from entering.

"My friend," Zhao put his hand on the man's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "You have no idea how much trouble you'll be in if he doesn't see me right now."

"But Chief Zhao..."

"Let him in!" A deep voice sounded from behind the closed door.

Yunlan patted the distressed assistant lightly on the shoulder, then straightened his back and went in. He carefully closed the door behind him and turned to face his father.

Zhao Xinchi was sitting at his desk writing a document. He didn't stop or look up. Yunlan was taken aback by how much older his father looked. It seemed as if at least ten years had been added to this man's face and posture.

"I see you're back," Xinchi said coldly. "Your people were quite worried. They even called me asking about your... absence."

"They did?"

"Since you insisted on coming here, say what you must and be gone. I do not have time for this."

"You should pay more attention to your health," Zhao Yunlan blurted out.

"Whatever for?" came a tired response. "We don't share a body any more. You don't need to worry about losing your host. You have a-

"You sent me to voicemail!" Zhao Yunlan felt the urge to change the topic. His father was still writing, but his other hand started shaking slightly.

"When was the last time he saw me?" Yunlan thought. "Was it when we were saying goodbyes? Or was it later, when I was left with no strength and no hope, when Ye Zun wanted to make a show? Of course, he wouldn't want to look at an impostor wearing his son's dead body."

"I never answer your calls."

"See," Yunlan gesticulated widely with his hands. "That's the problem with you, Old Man. You never even tried to listen to me."

Xinchi froze, his entire body tensing, pen hovering over a document. "What did you call me?"

"Old Man? My Old Man?" Yunlan smiled nervously, lifted his brows and waved hands for emphasis.

Xinchi very slowly lifted his head, and for the first time, looked at him properly. He noticed all the differences, the slightly bent posture, the smile, the nervous movement from side to side.

"Well? Did I pass great Leader's test?"

"Yunlan?" Xinchi whispered, slowly getting up from his chair.

Yunlan's eyes began to redden. He blinked and tried in vain to cover it up with a disarming smile. "Hey, dad." His squeezed throat made it difficult to speak. "Why am I like this?" – he thought, biting the nail on his thumb.

His father went up to him, gazing intently into his eyes. "Is this really you?"

They stared at each other, both barely holding back tears. Finally, Yunlan took the last step and awkwardly hugged his father. He felt Xinci squeeze him tightly in a bear-like hug. They separated after a while, each averting gaze and clearing throat.

"How?..." Xinci trailed off, not sure how to formulate the big question.

"I don't know. I sorta just woke up."


"Like... huh, two hours ago... dad? Dad!" Yunlan grabbed his swaying father and helped him sit on the sofa. "Let me get you some water." He poured the liquid into the cup and carefully handed it to his father. "Should I call someone?"

"No, stay, I'm fine. It's just..."

"Well, I always knew how to raise your blood pressure, Old Man. Feeling any better?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I was just..." again Zhao Xinci was lost for words.

"I know."

"So? What are your plans?"

"Don't know yet. But I guess I'll go back to normal, right?

There is no 'back to normal'. There never will be. Not without Him...

"Work hard during the day, drink at night, regret in the morning!" Yunlan laughed nervously.

"You should care for your health," his father reminded him.

"Whatever for..." whispered Zhao Yunlan, not realizing that he was mirroring his father from only a couple of minutes ago.

Xinchi frowned. "Son-"

"You got the news. I'd better be going." Yunlan jumped up and headed for the door. "I made Little Guo run some errands, he should be back by now, and I'm waiting for some research results." He paused. "Look... The Dixinian... I mean Zhang Shi... do you think he..."

"I really don't know. I'm sorry."

"Oh, all right. We'll see when we see then."

"Son," Xinchi repeated with force.

"Yeah?" Yunlan turned with one hand on the doorknob, biting the fingernail of the other.

"I'm truly glad you're back. Call me some time."

Yunlan bit his lip, nodding several times lightly, swallowing hard. Finally, he laughed. "Then don't send me to voicemail!" With that, he left.

Zhai Xinchi stood up slowly and returned to his place behind the desk. He rummaged through some documents until he found an old letter with a strange inscription. He looked at it thoughtfully.

"Was this really your doing?" he wondered quietly.

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