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Zhao Yunlan burst-opened the door to Shen Wei's study half an hour later.

"The food is hot, the bed is ready, and Da Qing told me to ask you where you keep your spare keys."

"Why?" Shen Wei wrote two last words and looked up, holding the brush over the parchment.

"He apparently prefers your cosy couch," lied Zhao. The truth was that Da Qing had made a whole speech on how badly he wasn't willing to be the spectator of the bed scenes.

"Oh, that's not a problem." Shen Wei reached into the drawer and took out a set of keys. "This one is to-"

"He'll figure it out." Zhao grabbed the keys. "Come on, the food is waiting, but if we leave that cat with it for too long, we won't have much left." He helped the professor stand up and slowly guided him to the opposite apartment. Da Qing was already finishing his second fish, sitting cross-legged on the floor next to the coffee table.

"How are you feeling, Lord Black Cloak?" He asked with his mouth full. Zhao made an angry face when a piece of the fish fell from Da Qing's mouth and landed on the floor. He grinned unabashedly, picked it up and put it back into his mouth.

"I am much better, thank you," responded Shen Wei politely.

"You!" Zhao waved a finger at Da Qing. "You're now in human form. So behave like a human. Especially when we have a guest." He led Shen Wei to the sofa and helped him sit down. The man looked fine, but his focused face and the way he basically fell on the couch indicated how much energy he was using to stay upright.

"I got some basic, plain food. I didn't know what you would like, Professor Shen, so I bought several things."

"Thank you, that was very considerate of you."

"I also cleaned the bed-" Zhao cleared his throat loudly, and Da Qing bit into his food to stay quiet.

"I already told Shennong Bo to come up with some old writings. He promised to be as meticulous as possible to prove their authenticity." The Detective changed the topic quickly.

"Who?" asked Shen Wei, curious.

„Ah, right. He... umm. He's the person that helped me get to you. I honestly don't know if I believe in his story, but he proved to be useful, and we need all the help we can get." Zhao explained in details how the strange deity had helped them.

After finishing his food, Da Qing changed to his cat form and started his cleaning routine.

"Just look at him," Zhao snorted. "He deliberately ate in human form to get more stuff into himself, and now he's a cat, so I can't boss him around, and he can go to sleep!"

"Aren't we all going to sleep now?" asked Da Qing, offended. He waved his tail twice. "Open the door for me." He jumped across the table and waited expectantly at the door.

"You can open it yourself in your human form!" said Zhao. Yet he got up, knowing that the cat would simply sit and wait. He let it into Shen Wei's apartment and returned. He was met with a steady, amused gaze. "Don't ever get a cat."

"I Won't," promised Shen Wei.

"All right, let's get you to bed. You can pretend all you want, but I clearly see how weak you are."

"Ok, but only if you have some rest, too." agreed Shen Wei.

"We only have one bed..." Zhao lifted up his eyebrows as he helped his friend get to it. Shen Wei froze for a moment before sitting down. The bed sheets were clean, but there was a lingering smell of blood. And it wasn't his. He forced himself to smile and looked at the helping man with amusement. He would deal with that minor problem in a moment.

"It didn't trouble you before."

Zhao swallowed and grinned, and after he made sure that Shen Wei was comfortable, he lay down as well. As soon as he did, gentle hands reached out for him, a body moving closer. Yunlan looked to the right and saw how much effort Shen Wei was putting into his actions. He shifted to make it easier for the other man to embrace him.

"What is it?" Zhao asked softly, feeling the tenderness with which Shen Wei held him now in his arms.

"Shhh," Shen Wei's lips covered his. It was completely different from the other night, and Zhao felt his heart rate quicken. The kiss was slow and deliberate, perfectly balanced between giving and taking, and he felt lightheaded. Shen Wei's hand ventured to the back of his neck, and the man felt the fingernails scratch him lightly, the pleasure increasing. He sensed the other hand moving slowly from his back, lower, to his thigh. Shen Wei pulled harder, deepening the kiss pressing himself stronger against Yunlan's body and Zhao felt another sensation. It took him a moment to realize where that soft, cooling feeling was coming from. Shen Wei was trying to distract him, to heal him. He tried to move away and break the connection, but Wei's arms held him firmly in place. A ridiculous thought appeared in his head that he should really hit the gym if he ever wanted to have a chance with this strong man. He felt the energy subside, and Shen Wei broke the kiss as his tired body no longer could keep up with his desire.

"Damn it, Shen Wei!" Zhao shouted angrily. "Why did you have to use your healing powers? In your state-" he stopped seeing the sadness in his lover's eyes.

"You were hurt and in pain, even though you hid it well. I had to do it." Shen Wei's voice was barely a whisper, and he breathed with difficulty. „Because I love you too."

Zhao clenched his jaw. He was about to shout some more. Now that option was taken away from him by those stunning words.

"Don't be angry." Begged Shen Wei. "I'm sorry."

Zhao moved closer and grabbed Shen Wei in a tight hug. His heart wanted to burst with sudden sorrow. The man in his arms, this ancient, fearless warrior, the leader of the whole Dixing nation, was willing to fall down to his knees and beg, ask forgiveness and throw away his dignity and might, all for him.

"I am not worthy of your sacrifice," Zhao whispered back.

"But you are. You are so much more."

"How can I ever repay you for all this?"

"You already have."

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