The school

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"Old Zhao, the Bureau has sent us three new locations. Apparently, last night more people saw monsters fighting in the streets." Zhu Hong walked to the couch and took the newspaper from Zhao's face. "They want us to investigate."

"Fine," he said, opening one eye, then rubbed his chin and sat up, squinting at the printout. The shadow beasts have been making more and more appearances recently, making the SID people work all day and night. Luckily there weren't any attacks on people. Yet. Shen Wei also hadn't found any new 'enhanced' Dixingians roaming the streets, even though he was extremely vigilant. "Dead Cat, go with Lin Jing, check out that place up north. Old Chu, you and Little Guo investigate this one." He tapped the 'x' on the page with his finger. "Zhu Hong, you stay in case there is more news." He looked at his watch. "I'll pick up Shen Wei from the University, and we'll sort out the last one. He has already finished his lectures."

He was approaching Shen Wei's study when he heard voices inside. He halted and listened, playing with the lollipop.

"Professor Shen, You are one of our most prominent teachers, yet I am afraid that your collaboration with the SID will greatly affect your work."

"I can assure you, Chancellor, that my lectures won't be affected."

"But what about extracurricular activities? You have already declined to go on two expeditions and an important conference. I am afraid that this just won't do. Please, consider choosing one job, professor. Our faculty needs you, your input is of much value, but I can't have you working half-heartedly."

"I promise to be more engaged," said Shen Wei somberly.

"Good, good." the Chancellor nodded. "Then make sure that you attend our conference next Friday. We all are hoping to listen to your thesis on the manuscripts you were so keenly examining last month."

"Of course."

Zhao Yunlan frowned and quietly retreated. He didn't want Shen Wei to have problems because of him. He hadn't realized that by keeping the man so close, he stole the time Shen Wei needed to focus on the things he loved. Zhao sighed and started the car. He would stop engaging Black Envoy in every little thing. He was doing it to see the man, not because he needed additional help anyway.

The old school where the monsters had been spotted was sealed with police tape. However, when Zhao approached, he didn't find anyone protecting the place. He ducked under the tape and looked around. The dilapidated one storey building had been empty for many years. Some windows were broken, shattered glass and dirt littered the empty halls and classrooms. It looked ominous in the reddening light of the setting sun. He didn't have much time. Soon the night would set, and with it, all the evil things could come out and attack. Zhao took several steps into the building and halted near one wall, where a large black shape was imprinted as if burned. It resembled an elongated humanoid contour. Underneath, there was a pile of ash. Zhao immediately remembered the beast that attacked Shen Wei, and he reached for the gun. He stepped farther slowly, carefully looking around. Soon he found other shapes on the walls and on the floor, with identical piles of dark ash. Whatever had happened here, plenty of monsters were involved.

He turned the corner and stopped. There was a trail of blood on the floor. It led from the middle of the corridor to the double door at the end of it. Zhao thought for a moment about calling for back up but decided against it. If there was somebody hurt, then there simply wasn't time to waste. He approached vigilantly, careful not to step on the broken pieces of glass. After listening for a minute, he slowly pushed the door and peeked inside.

There were dark marks and piles of ash all across the gym. Zhao went inside after a moment. The walls were cracked, and long, deep scratches were visible all around. It looked like a battlefield. In the middle lay a mangled body of a long-dead policeman. Yunlan came closer, wondering if the beasts had been fighting over the poor man.

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