The dungeon

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Zhao Yunlan fell onto a stone floor. The enormous dungeon was feebly illuminated with torches hanging from the distant walls. The whole floor was covered with ash. There was a sound, and sparks followed, and he saw the long gong-gong blade cut through a massive beast. He smiled in relief seeing Shen Wei alive. The beast turned into a pile of ash, and he and the Dark Envoy faced each other. Zhao forced himself to keep his smile broad and reassuring, even though he saw that the Black Envoy's apparel was almost shredded. His mask was long gone, hair in complete disarray, face dirty with ash and blood. Had he been fighting this whole time? How many wounds did he sustain? The detective opened his mouth to say something witty and jumped away at the last possible moment when the blade swooshed his way.

"I told you not to use his face," said Shen Wei in a low menacing voice, which made Yunlan shiver.

"No, Shen Wei, it's me!" he shouted and had to duck when the blade struck again.

"And I told you not to use his voice too." Black Envoy advanced, and Zhao felt terror mixed with anger. Was that damned bandit using him to get to Shen Wei? He shook with pure rage.

"Unforgivable," he uttered through gritted teeth. A shadow beast appeared behind Shen Wei, and he twisted and attacked, losing interest in Zhao. The beast was much faster than any other he had ever seen, but so was the Black Envoy. He moved through the shadows as he struck one, two, three beasts, his dance-like motions fast and accurate. Shen Wei suddenly stopped, grimaced and leaned on his long weapon for support as he ripped out a broken talon that got stuck in his side. He used minimum energy to seal the bleeding spot before he twisted, slaying yet another beast. Zhao felt that he was beginning to shake.

"Xiao Wei!" he called and was again taken aback by the ferocity of the other man's gaze. He had to work fast. "I don't know what that man did to you. But I'm real. And I'm here to take you home." The blade went straight to his throat, and he froze. Shen Wei needed to see the proof. "That morning after the first attack," Zhao said urgently, keeping steady eye contact. "I gave you two things. One that was already yours. And the other, that made you mine, remember?"

The blade quivered as Shen Wei's eyes grew wider with shock. Zhao waited for the sword to retreat before he slowly lifted his left hand, showing the wooden bracelet. Shen Wei's face was changing with every emotion that went through him. The anger changed to shock, then a faint ray of hope touched his heart before anger erupted in him anew.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded. He lunged forward, grabbing surprised Zhao by the collar and pushing him away, at the same time hacking into a creature that lurked behind him.

"I'm getting you out." Yunlan caught balance and looked around cautiously before returning his gaze to Shen Wei.

"There isn't a way out, I've already tried." said the Black Envoy, and there was defeat in his voice.

"Nonsense! You give us too little credit."

"Why are you risking your life for me?!"

"Because I love you, you idiot!" shouted Yunlan, exasperated. "Do you think you are the only one who cares?" He saw the shock on Shen Wei's face and felt his fury rising. "Hey you!" he screamed into the darkness. "You like watching? Watch this!" He grabbed Shen Wei's face and kissed him passionately. He felt no resistance when he parted Wei's lips and smiled, ready to advance when Shen Wei's legs gave out, and they both fell to their knees.

"No, no, no," Zhao looked into a pair of half-closed, tired eyes and cursed himself. "I need your adrenaline to keep working for now." He felt a movement to the left, and he swung a short blade he had taken with him before entering the dungeon. It connected, then went through the creature, disintegrating it. At that moment, he saw two snakes sliding their way. A pulse of dark energy shot from the Black Cloaked Envoy's hand, obliterating them. His merciless eyes turned to the side, spotting a muscular beast, and he spun, weapon at ready. The creature shimmered, and several shards of dark crystals sped his way, but he dodged or deflected them with ease. He went straight for the monster, his agility mesmerizing. Zhao looked in awe.

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