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Zhao Yunlan was sitting in his office, looking at Shen Wei across the desk. It had taken more than a week to make the busy professor come to the SID headquarters. With very few cases, there hadn't been a reason to trouble the man. In the end, it was Zhu Hong's chance meeting that finally brought Shen Wei to him.

"Zhu Hong has grown a lot as a Yashou leader. It was very wise of you to help her achieve that."

"What are you talking about?" Zhao laughed nervously. "It was the tree that picked!" He unwrapped a lollipop and stuck it in his mouth, then sighed, seeing a knowing smile in Shen Wei's eyes. "Ok, so I might have guessed that the tree and I share similar drinking tastes. But it was her heart's true intention that helped the branch sprout."

"Yes. I agree." Shen Wei paused as if unsure how to proceed.

"I know that look. What is it?"

"I believe I should test her hypnotizing abilities. If she is stronger than she had been before, there is no need for her to hold back anymore."

Zhao frowned. "What do you mean: to hold back?"

"She had tried to hypnotize me once. Back in the mountains, when you left her to guard me, remember?"

"Yeah?" Zhao asked suspiciously.

"Hypnotizing with snake eyes has high demands on the concentration for the user. It bounced right back at her with full force. She didn't have enough power to control it back then. I decided that it would be better if she didn't use it unless absolutely necessary. I didn't want her to get-"

"You did WHAT?!" Zhao asked, outraged.

"I didn't want her to get hurt. The Snake Tribe's hypnotism if used by a young-" he stopped seeing anger in his companion's face. Zhao's finger was moving threateningly.

"I knew something was wrong with her. But if I had known that you messed with her head..."

"It was for her own protection." Shen Wei leaned closer across the desk and locked his eyes with Yunlan. His voice was calm and even. "I would never cause harm to any of your people," he whispered.

Zhao sighed. "I know. So, how are you going to test her?"

"That's quite simple. I will make her hypnotize me again. If she is strong enough, there will be no need to limit her practice."

"Fine, I'll call her." Zhao took his legs off the desk and stood up. "But I want to be present during this. And if I don't like something, you stop, understood?"

"Yes," Shen Wei nodded.

Zhu Hong Walked in, slightly perplexed. She looked from one man to the other.

"Old Zhao, What is it that you two need me suddenly here?" she asked, folding her arms.

"I want you to hypnotize Old Brother Black for me," he answered.

"What? I don't really-" she started, but Shen Wei walked up to her.

"It is of vital importance. We wouldn't be asking you if it weren't," he said, and there was a hint of urgency in his voice that made Zhu Hong relent. "What exactly do you need?"

"Just make me fall asleep, please." Shen Wei smiled politely.

"Fine, in that case, Professor Shen, if you will." She pointed back at one armchair and sat in the other. She waited a moment, focusing, looking down, then lifted her eyes. "Professor, look into my eyes." The moment he did, hers shone bright red, and a second later, his eyes responded with the same colour. Zhao shifted slightly, folding his arms. The lollipop was jumping from side to side in his mouth.

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