Why didn't you look for me?

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"Ok, so..." Zhao Yunlan decided to change the topic but keep Shen Wei distracted from obvious pain. "What does My dear Brother Black do if he gets hurt?"

"I-" Shen Wei stammered and opened his eyes. "I close the wound." He looked at Yunlan with questioning eyes.

"Yes, but, like, no bed, where do you rest?"

"At the desk. It's usually the best place for healing. You can rest your elbows on it for support." Shen Wei provided an explanation, and Yunlan stared at him incredulously. A pair of beautiful black eyes were looking back at him, Wei's expression expectant, waiting for confirmation if the information was enough. Zhao sighed.

"My dear Black Envoy, what I mean is, after you heal your wound, how do you rest without a bed?"

"I sit at the desk. Usually, I go through lectures or read a book." Shen Wei blinked and smiled, and Zhao gave up.

"You have a very particular idea of resting, you know? Ok, let me help you lie down." He put away the bowl with water and got up. Then he leaned, embracing Shen Wei, slowly lowering the man onto the pillows. When he tried to take his hands away, he felt strong arms around him, and he froze, not willing to put any pressure on the hurt man.

"Why didn't you look for me before?" The voice was just a whisper, and Zhao's heart started pounding madly. "Your people came. They tested me for a whole month. And even later, Da Qing would come. But I never saw you. Not even once. Why weren't you at your home?"

"Does it matter?" Zhao responded, his voice low. "I'm here now."

"It matters to me. What happened to you?" Shen Wei didn't let go, and Yunlan put one knee on the bed for support. His head was racing. Wasn't the truth too cruel to be voiced out loud? Should he maybe...

"Please, please don't lie to me." The whisper that came to his ear made him shiver. He sighed.

"I wasn't around," he tried.

"What does that mean?"

"I," he paused and sighed again. "I was dead. But I'm here now and- ouff!" He was squeezed in a tight hug and fell on the man lying underneath. Shen Wei's arms were trembling. "Shen Wei, you need to let go, I'm hurting you!" he said, panic in his voice, trying to free himself. But the other man held him firmly.

After a long while, Zhao felt the hands release the hold, and he propped himself on his arms, looking into reddened eyes. "I'm back now. And I'm not going anywhere." The intensity of Shen Wei's gaze was too much, and Zhao sat up. "You are currently in pain. Why did you make me hurt you more?"

Shen Wei's lips parted in a smile that was in strong contraposition to their paleness.

"Fortunately, I am used to-"

"But I'm not! I'm not used to seeing you in pain, and I don't ever want to be!" Exclaimed Zhao waving hands, exasperated. He realized that he was panting heavily and took a deep breath to calm down.

"I'm sorry..." Shen Wei's words made his heart sink.

"No, don't apologize. Just... just rest, ok? And tell me if the pain is too much." He covered Shen Wei with utmost care. "Will you be able to fall asleep?"

"I will try." the man pressed his lips and closed his eyes. Instantly a frown appeared between his brows.

"That's a no." Zhao sat on the bed again and gently removed a strand of hair from Shen Wei's forehead.

The lying man reached out and took the retreating hand.

"I'm relieved." He said in a hushed tone.


"Even though I didn't remember you, I still knew I could trust you with my life."

"Of course you knew. Even professor Shen cannot resist my handsome, charming self."

Shen Wei let out a short amused snort, and Zhao relaxed. And then grinned.

"So, how is it?" he asked and seeing a questioning look, he quickly added. "Our bed. Comfy?"

"It isn't-"

"Hey, two apartments, two guys, one bed. And now you're the one occupying it. How else am I supposed to call it?" He saw Shen Wei trying to get up and pushed him down by the shoulders. "Oh no, you don't." He then, casually, lay down next to him.

"What are you doing?" asked Shen Wei, stiffing.

"Ugh, my head." Muttered Zhao using his old trick. "How does it look like? I'm keeping you in bed. Also, I'm kinda tired and was hoping to get a shut-eye... but if that bothers you..."

"No," Shen Wei moved slowly to the side. "Get some rest." He closed his eyes and didn't move. Zhao turned his head and watched him. "Why are you staring?"

"I'm checking if you'll be able to sleep at all."

"Don't worry. I will. Eventually. Do you want me to switch the lights off?"

"How-" Shen Wei moved his hand. "Oh, that's convenient."

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