I chose this

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Zhao Yunlan stared wide-eyed at a figure of a handsome man with long silver hair, dressed all in white. The man was pinned to the wall opposite them, hanging high, his hands spread wide and held tightly by twisting and curling roots. His chest was pierced with a sharp branch. A trail of red blood was trickling slowly down, tainting his robes and disappearing into the ground. He looked pale and exhausted, the pain visible in his eyes. Yet he smiled faintly seeing Shen Wei. "I felt your presence." His voice was barely above a whisper.

Shen Wei shivered. "What... Who..."

Zhao stepped slowly closer, keeping himself between the brothers. A million questions were cascading through his head. How? Why? He couldn't even understand the emotions inside himself. The sudden rage and hatred were soon mixing with sorrow and compassion for the suffering man.

"Who did this to you?" Zhao asked finally. He looked around, trying to find a way to get to the man.

"I chose this," replied Ye Zun, and there was determination in his voice. "I had done so much evil, caused so much suffering. All because of one small misunderstanding. I will never be able to atone for all of my sins. But I can do this much." His speech was interrupted by a coughing fit. He closed his eyes, trying to win with the pain inside him.

Zhao saw from the corner of his eye Shen Wei move from behind him and didn't stop him. Professor Shen looked at his younger brother with fear in his eyes.

"Who are you?" he asked, shaking.

"Ge... I will make things right." Ye Zun whispered, a faint hopeful smile appearing on his face. Suddenly, a large cloud of dark energy shot from him and engulfed Shen Wei's body, lifting him up.

"SHEN WEI!" yelled Yunlan, but the moment he moved, large roots grabbed him and smashed him into a wall near the exit pinning him in place. "What the hell are you doing to him?!"

Ye Zun didn't reply, focused entirely on his brother. Shen Wei arched back in pain and screamed.

Zhao Yunlan battled to break free, cursing madly and screaming profanities, but the more he fought, the tighter the roots squeezed his chest, and soon he was struggling not only to break free but also to breathe.

His vision tunnelled, and soon he didn't see nor feel anything as his limp body hung, held by the vicious roots.

He was standing on a tall snowy mountain, completely alone. Looking ahead, he didn't feel the passing of time.

He held a dying kitten in his arms. He had tried everything in his might, but the cat was still on the verge of death. And he felt utterly hopeless. "I don't know what to do," he whispered.

He was looking at a young black-haired boy. The boy was standing in the river and washing away the blood from his hands and face.

He was again on the cold mountain. And there was somebody else at his side, though he wasn't able to see that person. "You must look at what's beyond. There is always a bigger plan. Can It be done?" asked a voice, and then the darkness followed.

"Lord of the Guardians..." Zhao was brought back to a painful consciousness by a weak voice. He lifted his heavy head. "Lord of the Guardians," repeated Ye Zun. Zhao looked up. There was blood on the silver-haired man's chin and robe. His entire body looked frail, spent. Zhao wasn't even slightly remorseful.

"What have you done to him?" He barked through gritted teeth while his eyes moved towards the prone body of Shen Wei lying on the floor.

"Everything I could in my current state." Ye Zun coughed, and more blood came from his mouth. "I am sorry," he whispered. "For all that I had done." His body started fading, and he shivered. "Please, take care of him..." His head dropped, and he sagged against the roots. He became more and more transparent, and Zhao Yunlan wasn't quite sure if he heard a soft "Ge..." as the man disappeared.

„Let me go," said Zhao quietly, and the roots instantly backed away, gently releasing him. He took a deep breath and massaged abused ribs, then ran on shaky legs to the man on the floor and knelt down.

"Shen Wei, SHEN WEI!" Yunlan shouted, shaking Shen Wei's body. He touched the professor's cheek and felt horror rising inside him because the skin under his palm was cool to the touch. He checked the pulse and breathed in relief, feeling it steady. He leaned in until he could feel the other man's breath on his face. Then he closed his eyes, trying to slow down his racing heart, evening out their breaths. He needed to calm down and think of what to do next. He had no idea what Ye Zun did to his older brother, and that uncertainty was fogging his thoughts.

"Shen Wei," he whispered in fear.

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