Something old, something new

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When Zhao woke up, it was morning already. He discovered that he was covered with a comforter. Yunlan turned his head lazily to the right, but Shen Wei wasn't there. He jumped out of bed and looked around but discovered his flat empty. He swore and rushed through the door and into the neighbouring apartment.

Everything was in order. Desk with all the documents on it, the chair. There were no signs of yesterday's struggle. Zhao spun around and saw Shen Wei putting on a white shirt.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Yunlan demanded.

"You are awake," the man smiled. "I am getting ready for work."

"In your state?"

Shen Wei smiled and closed the distance between them. "Thanks to you, I am perfectly fine." He looked sincere, but Zhao poked him several times in the chest to make sure. Shen's eyes soften. "Do you believe me now? I keep to my word. I will never lie to you."

His eyes were searching for understanding in Zhao's angry ones, and he smiled widely, finding it.

"When did you manage to put everything back to normal?"

"I got up quite a while ago."

"Did you get any sleep?" Zhao asked and blinked, seeing playfulness entering Shen Wei's eyes. "What?"

Wei leaned closer. "With your snoring?"

"I do not snore!"

"I am not surprised that Da Qing prefers to spend the nights at work."

"He works night shifts! That has nothing to do... I do not snore!"

Shen Wei gazed at him fondly and began to button up his shirt. When he was nearing the top button, his hand froze, searching for and not finding the familiar thing he was so used to carry.

"Wait." Zhao dug inside his pocket and took out a small box. He opened it and took something out. Then he reached out, stepped closer and tied the leather cord with a small round pendant around Shen Wei's neck. "I had to change the string, it's less fancy, sorry," he whispered. Shen Wei's hand closed around the beloved object, and when Zhao moved slightly away, he saw two thankful eyes gathering tears. He felt his own eyes sting, and he quickly blinked, clearing his throat.

"Such a silly thing to carry, really," he teased.

"It was my only memento of you," whispered Shen Wei, and Zhao's eyes started burning, even more, compassion for this lonely man soaring inside him.

"Well, that needs to be changed. Here," he reached out, took Wei's left hand, rolled up his sleeve and then grabbed his forearm with his own left hand. The wooden bracelet moved and twisted, the wood springing to life. It broke and moved like a serpent encircling both Zhao's and Wei's wrists, taking the form of the symbol of infinity. For a moment, they were connected, bound by this living, moving vine. Then it broke with a soft 'crack', and each of the men had his own bracelet. Shen Wei's gleaming eyes were boring into Zhao's, and he looked back with a confidence he had never had before. He smiled widely.

"That," he pointed at the two similar wooden trinkets. "Undeniably and irreversibly makes you forever mine." Shen Wei's eyes widened, and Zhao smirked, leaning closer. "My dearest Lord Black Envoy, you... " he released his breath, and it tickled Shen Wei's neck.

"W...Wh...What?" the petrified man stammered.

"Will be late for the lectures," finished Zhao and laughed, straightening and turning around. He waved nonchalantly and started walking towards the door. "Don't take it too long, I will treat you to dinner," he said and went out, leaving Shen Wei alone.

The man stood in the empty apartment like a stone pillar. Finally, his right hand moved slowly to his left, and he touched the bracelet. And then he smiled.

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