The dream

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They returned to the mountain, and Yunlan brought his backpack to the white cave. He was surprised to find the old bags and equipment they had left behind placed neatly there. He looked at the previously emptied bottle in the corner. When they had left earlier, it was on its side. Now, however, it was standing again, filled with clear water. Some wood was gathered in the middle of the cavern, and Zhao smiled.

"Well, somebody's learning," he said, amused. He took out two sleeping bags and joined them together into one. Then he frowned and looked at Shen Wei, who was staying silent the whole time. "What's wrong?" Zhao asked.

"Nothing. I'm just tired," admitted the professor. Yunlan walked up to him and took him by the hand.

"Come then." He led the weary man to the sleeping bags and gave him the water and a granola bar. "Here, before we rest, we need to eat something." Shen Wei regarded the bottle sceptically. "Don't worry, I'm sure that it's perfectly safe."

After they ate, Yunlan helped Shen Wei remove his jacket, and he felt a cool hand under his shirt. The corners of his mouth went up.

"My simple deduction is telling me that you are not all that tired?"

"I am. But how come you aren't?" Shen Wei looked at him, and Yunlan thought for a moment. Being tossed and hitting the ground so many times, he was sure that he had earned a couple of broken ribs and a concussion at the very least. Now, however, he felt almost entirely well. Even the fatigue was gone.

"I guess this place resonates well with me. I was hoping that maybe it would be the same for you."

"It is, to a degree. I just don't seem to be absorbing this energy as you are. Quite understandable. I am of Dixing origin. The energy here is not dark."

Yunlan lowered them both to the ground and zipped up the sleeping bag. He felt Shen Wei's hands roaming slowly under his clothes, and he shifted to give him easy access to whatever the man wanted to do next. Shen Wei moved a bit closer and sighed, placing his head in the nook of Yunlan's neck.

"I didn't think that we..."

"I know. Me neither," Zhao embraced him and closed his eyes. "That was close."

Shen Wei moved his head up and kissed Yunlan slowly, delicately, their lips barely touching. When Zhao pressed harder, the man moved away, and Yunlan moaned when the soft lips returned, and he gave in to the slow torture. Soon Shen Wei was too tired to continue, and Yunlan took over, his kisses gently brushing his lovers face like the wings of a butterfly. He felt the moment when Shen Wei's body relaxed. But even when his breathing evened out, Zhao was still caressing his lover's beautiful face.

The Ghost Slayer walked up to the cold mountain peak. There was a tall, well-built man standing under the dead tree, his long black hair cascading onto the green, ornate robes. He turned around, and the Ghost King felt a strange longing when he saw the man's handsome face. The man beckoned him to step closer, and he did, feeling his heart rate quickening.

"Xiao Wei, how you have grown." Kunlun's voice was low yet soft, and there was deep affection in his wise eyes." He reached out and touched Shen Wei's cheek. "I never imagined that I would see you again."

"You are Kunlun," the professor said, hypnotized by the powerful gaze.

"I am but a dream. A mere memory of a person I once had been. Come. Let me show you something." Kunlun took him by the hand and led them deep into the heart of the mountain. They halted at the sparkling pool of crystal clear water. "The spring is clear again, and the mountain was fed. I have to admit that my reincarnated self didn't lose any of my wit and sharpness of my mind."

Shen Wei couldn't stop himself and smirked. Modesty was definitely a trait that neither Yunlan nor Kunlun shared.

"Here," the god of the mountain pointed to radiant energy, which was floating above the underground pond. Shen Wei's eyes widened when he recognized the silhouette.

"Brother," he whispered, and tears ran down his face.

"The soul of this boy is pure and at peace now. Unfortunately, in my current state, I cannot do more than keep him here. Safe and untroubled. But I want you to know that he will await you, and when you are ready to join him, you will both enter the reincarnation wheel together. That is all I can do."

"Thank you," whispered Shen Wei, looking longingly at the fragile light. He saw his brother's gentle face, relaxed and serene.

"He will only have good dreams from now on," promised Kunlun. Then he turned to the man he missed so much and gently wiped the tears from his cheeks. Shen Wei felt a tug inside and frowned, and the lonely god laughed. "I believe my time with you has come to an end. I do tend to be rather possessive." Shen Wei wanted to argue. He didn't want to leave. Ever. He would stay with Kunlun and with Yezun... He felt the tug again, this time much stronger and opened his mouth to object...

"SHEN WEI! XIAO WEI!" A panic-stricken voice made him open his eyes. He frowned, trying to understand where he was. "My Wei, are you with me?" Yunlan's shaking hands were on his cheeks. A worried face hovered above him.

"Zhao Yunlan," whispered Shen Wei, as the memories of the recent events slowly reappeared inside his head. Yunlan helped him to a sitting position, and trembling fingers started wiping away tears from his face.

"What happened? What did you dream about? I couldn't wake you up, and then-" Shen Wei's lips stopped the torrent of words with a lustful kiss. Zhao wanted to protest, but two strong hands grasped him possessively, and he was lowered back onto the unzipped sleeping bag. Shen Wei was on him the next instance, their lips never parting, hands tugging at the uncooperative clothes. Zhao helped as much as he could, at the same time reciprocating the passion. He didn't know what had happened, but at that moment, Shen Wei needed him, and he would give the man all he had.

After a long time, they lay on the sleeping bags breathing heavily, and the professor moved closer and took Zhao's hand in his.

"I almost didn't want to come back to you. I don't know how it's possible, but I wanted to stay."

"Was there a better-looking version of me?" Yunlan joked, and Shen Wei looked at him, alarmed.

"How did you know?"


"About the man."

"What man?"

Shen Wei told him about the meeting in his dream. He looked at Yunlan guiltily, and the detective pouted.

"What do you mean he was better looking?" he asked.

"What? I never said that."

"You didn't object when I suggested it. That's basically the same!"

"Zhao Yunlan, out of all the things I had told you, this is what upsets you?"

"Yeah! Nothing else really matters to me. I mean I'm glad your brother in good hands, and it's cool that the waters got cleaned, but my biggest worry is that instead of me, you will be thinking about that damned Kunlun. So, how was he better? Long hair? Should I grow one? Clean-shaven? Not really my style, but if you want..." Zhao grinned.

"Just shut up." Shen Wei shook his head and kissed him again.

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