The conference

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Shen Wei was standing in his office staring blankly at the pen drive in his hand. Lin Jing prepared a presentation to go with the planned lecture and happily handed him the small stick. How did humans use those things? He sighed and took the folder with prepared materials, and walked out.

A hand reached out and snatched the drive from his hand.

"Da Qing?" Shen Wei smiled, surprised. "What are you doing here?

"Lin Jing obviously couldn't come and help you, Professor Shen, but I look just like any other student, so leave the technology to me." Da Qing was wearing a smart suit and a tie. "You just focus on what must be said."

"Thank you."

The lecture hall was full of guests from many universities. The dean was welcoming each one personally, proud to be the organizer of such a huge event. Shen Wei was one of the last to give a speech. He has skillfully interwoven the extra information into a tremendous amount of research and became the centre of attention. The guests had many questions, and the professor replied as accurately as possible. All that time, he was pretending not to notice the dark energy that was oozing from the three elderly research scientists, who were asking the most specific questions. The fish caught the bait.

After all the lectures concluded, an overjoyed Chancellor came to him, beaming, hand outstretched. Shen Wei took it and let the Chancellor shake it.

"Professor Shen, you are such a humble person. If I had known that you were working on such a discovery..."

"Pure genius, I say." The Lord of the Guardians agreed with him, coming closer to them. He was wearing an elegant black suit, white shirt and a dark silk tie. He took Chancellor's hand and shook it enthusiastically. Then he smirked, seeing the surprise on Shen Wei's face. "I said it many times before, and I will repeat it again. There is no smarter person on this planet than our dear Professor Shen. It was so hard to make him agree to join SID. Only after I showed him our library resources and promised him full access to them did he relent." Zhao put a hand on Wei's shoulder, and with his right, he pointed for emphasis. "This man will stop at nothing to gain knowledge and share it with respectable guests like those gathered today."

The Chancellor perked up hearing that. "So the reason why You joined them was to continue research? Professor Shen, why did you not say it from the beginning?"

"I," Shen Wei was lost for words. He looked fondly at Yunlan, who was grinning like a mad idiot. How did that genius detective even come up with that story?

"Aw, he is just humble." saved him Zaho.

"That library, Chief Zhao, would there be a chance of..."

"Sorry, Chancellor, but only SID officials may be granted access to our priceless collections. I assure you, however, that if Professor Shen finds anything he believes interesting, he has all the right to share it with your respectable community. Provided he has enough time for the research, of course," beamed Yunlan.

"But of course! Professor Shen, please, you may focus on your research. I will make sure that your schedule has plenty of time for that. Now, if you'll excuse me, gentlemen." the Chancellor drifted away.

"I," repeated Shen Wei, stunned.

"I'm good, aren't I?" Zhao leaned in, smiling. "I just made sure, he'll be off your back for now. I wonder how my dear professor Shen is going to repay me, hm?"

"What are you doing here?"

"What? Can't I watch how my own work is presented? Besides, I needed to talk to that Chancellor anyway. The best timing was now. And I'm taking you for dinner later."

Shen Wei snorted. Then he got serious again. "Can you make sure those three-" he pointed at the professors standing slightly at the back of the Conference Hall. "That they go back home safely? There is a lot of residual dark energy on them."

"I know. Da Qing sensed it. Don't worry, my people will take care of everything tonight."

They returned to Zhao's apartment after dinner. The detective tossed his keys away and took off his suit. Then he sat on the bed and started taking off his shoes. He looked up at Shen Wei, standing uncertainly beside him, looking lost.

"What are you waiting for?" asked Zhao offhandedly while removing the second shoe.

"I," Shen Wei stammered, confused. Then he nodded imperceptibly to himself. "I will be off then."

"What?" Zhao asked incredulously. "No!" He stood up quickly, grabbed Shen Wei by the lapels of his suit and pulled him closer. Then he kissed him passionately and pulled even harder, taking a step back, so that they both landed on the bed, Shen Wei on top of him. Zhao broke the kiss. "I meant: take off your shoes. I don't find it sexy enough to consider it a part of foreplay. But fine," he reached down and tried to squeeze his hand between their bodies to reach the buckle of Shen Wei's belt. "You can stay in shoes. But lift those hips a bit, ok? Shoes can stay, but I'm not accepting those pants.

Shen Wei immediately rose to his knees on the bed and hastily took off his suit. He looked around for a place to put it.

"Just drop it on the floor, seriously, we've got more urgent matters here," muttered Zhao as he tried to unbutton both shirts at the same time. His feet were working hard, trying to, somehow, remove Wei's shoes. Shen Wei had to sit up finally when tangled shoelaces didn't budge. Yunlan used that moment to remove their shirts and sat behind him, kissing his neck. When The shoes were finally off, Shen Wei exhaled loudly, twisted and smacked their lips together. He felt the lingering sweetness of a lollipop on Zhao's lips and shivered with anticipation. He pushed them back, and Yunlan moaned, feeling how the strong hands of a warrior were exploring his body. They were, as always, cool to the touch, yet Zhao felt a burning sensation wherever they ventured. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply in Shen Wei's scent. 

They struggled with their trousers, their hands already too shaky to work well. And then, again, they fell onto the pillows, completely lost in lust, their laboured breaths loud in the dark apartment. Yunlan's mind became soon foggy with desire, and all he could think of was one name only.

"My Wei," he moaned into a kiss, getting lost in a mighty embrace.

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