Perhaps I can be of help?

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They all looked at him bewildered. "What?" Old Chu was sceptical.

Zhao Yunlan took a deep breath. "We were transported to the mythical Mountain Kun Lun, once a home to a god who went by the same name." He was staring at Chu, avoiding Shen Wei's gaze. "Apparently, the location of that legendary mountain is in Tibet! In the actual KunLun Mountain Chain! " He shouted, then waved his finger down the tunnel. "So not funny!" They heard a faint growl, and Zhao sighed. He glanced at his phone and swore again. "Check your phones, but I doubt you'll get a signal. Damn it, it will take us days to reach any kind of civilization. I don't even think we have enough supplies for the journey."

"Perhaps I can be of help," a low voice said, and they all turned to see Black Cloaked Envoy standing tall in his dark robe.

"Lord Black Cloak," Chu Shuzhi bowed respectfully, but the Envoy put a hand on his shoulder.

"There is no need for that." He waited for Chu to straighten, then he turned to Zhao Yunlan. "Chief Zaho, I believe I can successfully bring everybody back home."

Zhao's smile couldn't be any wider. Seeing Shen Wei in his robes brought back a ton of emotions. But the formality of his speech at that moment was simply hilarious. Zhao long suspected that Shen Wei never even realized that he behaved very differently while wearing his mask. Lord of the Guardians laughed and closed the distance between them. "Brother Black," he smiled playfully. "Long time no see!" Yunlan was fighting laughter when he saw the confusion on the face of his friend.

"But... I just..." the cloaked man blinked a couple of times.

"Yes, yes, yes." Yunlan decided to let it go. "Dear Brother Black, you said you can take us home? That's quite a distance, you know."

Shen Wei nodded, happy to be back on topic. "Yes, I believe that if I take you one at a time, I will successfully deliver you to any place you wish to be. But you should leave your bags. The less I carry, the better."

"That settles it then," Zhao immediately tossed his backpack into the darkness of the tunnel, and his subordinates did the same. "Xiao Guo, you go first. Once you're at the headquarters, call Da Qing, tell them to wrap up and come back. Then head home. You've earned some rest. Brother Black, if you please." He pushed Changcheng towards the coated man. Once Guo grabbed his hand, they disappeared in a black mist of energy.

"You should go first," Chu Shuzhi said unexpectedly.

"And what, leave you behind? You have no idea what will happen the moment I leave this place. The whole thing might just collapse."

"You really think high and mighty about yourself."

"Of course," Zhao spread his arms wide. "I am the Chief of the Guardians. Besides, I don't leave my people behind. And you'd better remember that. I know he's back now, but I am your boss."

Chu just snorted. A moment later, The Black Envoy appeared and reached out to the man. Zhao saluted them, and they were gone.

Guo was already on the phone answering Da Qing's questions when the two men appeared. Chu felt Black Envoy sway, and he caught him. "My Lord, you are tired. You should rest."

"No," responded Shen Wei. "I need to get back to him. Don't worry, it's nothing." He straightened, and a second later was gone.

Yunlan was leisurely leaning on the wall, admiring the rising sun. He heard a shuffling sound and turned around grinning when he saw with horror the figure before him convulse, pitch-black robes changing into a jacket.

Shen Wei fell to all fours, coughing and spitting out blood.

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