You are unbearable

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Shen Wei was white as a paper. He released a breath of frustration through his nose. "You are unbearable today," he said coldly. His gaze fell again at Zhao's bruised chest, and he clenched his fists. "Are you in pain? Do you need any medication?"

"What? No, stop worrying about it." Zhao's smile faded a little when he saw the worry in Shen Wei's eyes. Then he smiled again, not willing to give up. "Don't try to avert the topic. Come on, Shen Wei..."

"I' ll prepare some more cold medicine then. You should get dressed, or your condition may worsen."

Zhao wanted to ask if Shen Wei was willing to help, but knowing the man's gullibility, he knew He would be offered help unconditionally. "All right. But no peeping," he waved his hand, and Shen Wei instantly turned away and made himself busy with the kettle.

Dressing up in a t-shirt and some comfortable trousers turned out to be quite a task in his condition, and Zhao sat down on the bed, tired. He peeked into the kitchen area and saw Professor Shen standing motionless, with a bowl of freshly brewed medicine, not daring to move. He chuckled. "You can come over now, I'm decent."

Shen Wei turned around and approached the bed, then sat next to Zhao. "Here, drink it while it's hot." He handed the bowl and watched as Yunlan drank it all. Then he took away the empty dish and moved a little closer. Zhao managed to raise his eyebrows at the notion when suddenly a cool hand landed on the back of his neck. "Hold still," Shen Wei's voice was barely above a whisper. He leaned over and pressed his forehead against Zhao's. Yunlan felt his steady breath, the coolness of the skin touching his and felt his face redden. "You still have a bit of temperature. Stay in bed today." Shen Wei moved away and looked at Zhao. "Why are you so flushed?" He asked, alarmed. His both hands went to Yunlan's cheeks.

"I'm not." Zhao swatted the hands away, then lay down on his side, facing the window. "I'm gonna sleep now. Don't you have classes today?"

Gentle hands covered him tighter with the comforter. "I have, in the afternoon. There is still plenty of time. I will cook something for dinner."

An hour later, the apartment door opened, and Da Qing came in, stretching, as he removed his shoes with his feet. He looked around, sniffing, then Spotted Shen Wei in the kitchen area. "Oh, hello, Professor Shen," he walked up and inhaled deeply. "Is that steamed tuna?"

Shen Wei smiled and nodded, fixing his glasses.

"It's not for you, Damned Cat," came a call from the bed. Da Quing immediately turned around and went to the source of the voice.

"You're still in bed? Are you still unwell?" He asked. Zhao turned to lay on his back and propped himself on the elbows.

"I'm fine, I'm just using the kindness of my dear Professor Shen, and I'm gonna praise his cooking skills while eating dinner later," he laughed.

"Oh, ok," Da Quing jumped on the bed, stepped over Zhao and lay down next to the man propping his head on his master's shoulder. "Nothing new at work, but I scared away some guys who were trying to drown kittens. Can you imagine? They were going to film it for fun!"

"You scared someone away?" Zhao laughed, shoving away the head of his shoulder. Da Qing looked at him for a moment, offended, then shifted and lay back next to him, arms behind the head.

"Those were just some random thugs, and I'm no ordinary cat! How dare they..."

"Ok, ok, don't get so agitated," Zhao reached out and scratched the top of Da Qing's head. Then he looked into the room and saw Shen Wei standing there, looking completely perplexed. Zhao's smile grew wide, an idea forming inside his head.

"Hey, Old cat, just look at you. You barged in and took the whole half of the bed. What if Shen Wei wants to join us? There's not enough space!"

Shen Wei took a deep breath to say something, but Da Qing reacted faster. He lifted his head and looked up at the frozen man. "Oh, sorry Lord Black Cloak, here-" He changed into his cat form and cuddled by Zhao's thigh. "Plenty of space for you," he finished and yawned. Zhao patted his back, all the time looking at Shen Wei with a sly smile.

"The food is on the counter. Da Qing can take over now. I'm leaving." Wei's voice was cold, and his face stony. He grabbed his papers and left without another word.

Da Qing looked worriedly at Zhao. "Did you offend Lord Black Cloak ?"

"I didn't. But perhaps you did." Zhao winked.

"What? How?"

"Don't worry. I was only teasing." Zhao stroke the black furball affectionately. "I hope he knows that too."

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