What did you do

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Zhao Yunlan woke up to a pair of cat eyes staring at him unabashedly. He moved and groaned in pain as strained muscles reminded him of the events of the previous day.

"Did you have a fight?" Asked Da Qing looking at the tangled bedsheets and the state of Zhao's and Shen Wei's bodies. Then he looked at the unbuckled belt on his master's trousers. "Or something else," he added with pure curiosity. "I will need spare keys to his home if he's staying with you, though. I don't want to end up as a stray- hey!" He jumped back when Zhao threw a pillow at him.

"Shut up, you Dead Cat." Zhao turned to Shen Wei and touched his cheek. "Xiao Wei. Time to wake up." He didn't get any reaction and shook the man by his shoulders. "Shen Wei?" Still, there was nothing, and Zhao furrowed his brows and looked carefully at Shen Wei's body. It was caked in dirt and dried blood, but all the injuries had vanished overnight, and his breathing was even. "OK, I guess you need more sleep." Zhao turned to the black cat, that was just making a circle on his blanket, readying himself to go to sleep. "Hey, Damned Cat, come here, help me up." He lowered his legs to the floor and winced in pain. Da Qing came up to him, changing to human form.

"Doesn't that leg require stitches?" he asked apprehensively.

"Don't know yet. Help me get to the shower and prepare the medkit."

"I should get you to the hospital."

"Stop saying nonsense," Zhao reached out a hand and let Da Qing lift him up. He almost lost balance and squeezed his eyes at the sudden rush of blood to his head."

"My Master, you are barely standing. Let's go to the hospital, OK?"

"No, I'm just sore, trust me. But I promise after I shower, we'll apprehend the situation, and if it's bad, you will drive me to the good doctors, all right? Bring me a change of clothes later, will you?"

Da Qing escorted his master carefully to the bathroom, and then Zhao had to kick him out when he wanted to help his master out of his clothes.

The detective took a long cooling shower, scraping away all the grime. His wounded leg was slightly swollen and painful, but luckily wasn't bleeding any more. He checked all the other injuries in the mirror. "Wow, Zhao Yunlan. If you tried hitting on anyone right now, you would get punched instead. Luckily you are past that stage."

He put on clean underwear and was met by Da Qing, standing right outside the bathroom door.

"Seriously, you silly cat, don't worry so much."

"How can I not worry. Ever since you came back, you disappear from my sight, and then you return really hurt. You don't have nine lives, you know?"

"I'm on my second, though." Zhao scrubbed Da Qing's nape. "Come to the sofa. You can patch me up there."

Together with his deputy, they managed to dress his wounds, and Zhao got up and returned to the bed. He sat down next to the unconscious man lying there and touched his face affectionately. He didn't mind Da Qing, who changed into a cat form again and curled on the sofa. Yunlan bent down and lightly kissed Shen Wei's lips. They were pale and seemed a bit colder than usual. "I really hope that you just need more sleep." He whispered, then stood up. "Fat Cat look after him for me, OK? Tell me if he even moves one finger."

Da Qing jumped on the top of the sofa. "Where are you going?"

"To his apartment. I need to write something."

"Do you have the keys?"

"No," Zhao took his lockpicks out. "But when did that stop me?"

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