Call me

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The phone rang just as they were submitting the papers at the registration. Shen Wei ended up with a long band-aid not even one stitch was needed. Colour had returned to his face some time ago, and now he was looking curiously at Zhao.

"Yeah?" Yunlan listened for a while. "Is that so? All right, I'll get the good professor home and come back. Yeah. Yeah. OK." He finished talking and turned to Shen Wei. "I'll get you home. You had quite a day, huh?"

"Actually, I can get a taxi. I do not wish to be trouble."

"You? Trouble?" Zhao smiled fondly and unwrapped a lollipop. " If only I had you as my everyday trouble..." he teased, putting the lollipop into his mouth and moving closer to Shen Wei. He leaned slightly, causing Professor Shen to straighten and take a step backwards.

"Wh- what are you doing?"

"Me? Nothing. Just checking if the band-aid holds. Come on. I can only stop worrying about you when I know you're home." He grabbed Shen Wei by the wrist and started walking.

"Chief Zhao, You do not need to worry, I can take a taxi. You surely have more pressing matters at work." Shen Wei followed, perplexed, looking at the hand guiding him.

"Nothing is more pressing. Get into the car." The detective opened the door for Shen Wei and run to the driver's side. Once inside, he waited for Shen Wei to buckle the seatbelt before he started driving. He was unnaturally quiet for some time, lost in thoughts.

"How do you know where I live?" Professor Shen's sudden question brought Zhao to the present time.

"Huh?" he blinked. "I have an apartment there too. Right opposite yours."

"How come I have never seen you there? I thought only a boy lived there."

"Um, yeah, I live somewhere else. I'm, uh, renting this one to my nephew. But I'm thinking of coming back." Zhao Yunlan focused on the road. He wasn't surprised that Zhang Shi had decided to live somewhere else. The flat belonged to Da Qing, and the Damned Cat surely wouldn't want a stranger inside. Especially one wearing his master's face. Yunlan felt sorry for Da Qing. He must have been so...

"His cat would come to my apartment from time to time." Shen Wei's words startled him. "He must have felt lonely. I fed him some dried fish. I hope it's all right."

Zhao just laughed. "It's more than all right. Thank you. No wonder that fatso got even bigger," he mused. Then a thought occurred to him. "He didn't cause any trouble?"

"No, he would just sleep on the sofa."

When they arrived, Shen Wei thanked him politely and started getting out of the car.

"Shen Wei." he looked at Zhao, questioning. "Here, my card. Call me in the morning. I need to know you're OK."

"Chief Zhao, that is-"

"Absolutely necessary. You don't call, I'll come barging in, understood?"

"Yes," Shen Wei smiled. "I will call you in the morning then. Now excuse me, I need to prepare for tomorrow. There is an old manuscript I need to finish translating." He got out of the car, and Yunlan followed him with his gaze.

He drove back to headquarters, deep in thought. That incident almost ended up very badly. Shen Wei, in the current state, couldn't fend for himself. And Zhao Yunlan's obligation was to keep him away from danger. But if that meant staying away from Shen Wei, was he really able to resist?

He went in and was greeted with a popping sound. The fresh smell of hot butter assaulted his nostrils, and he laughed and jumped on the main table, looking greedily at the fuming appliance.

"Well, look whose back! He said happily, keeping his eyes on the machine. I missed you!"

"Chief, I'm here." Lin Jin waved his hand.

"Oh, you're here too." Zhao feigned a lack of interest. Old Guo snickered. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Zhao's hands moved around, finally pointing at the device. "Get useful." Lin Jin came over and opened the lid. Zhao immediately put his hand inside and took out a fistful of popcorn. "Oh, and thank you for bringing my body here," he blurted out. Lin Jin lowered his head.

"If I hadn't left you there-"

"Nothing would have changed." Interrupted Zhao loudly. "I wouldn't have lived long anyway. And the choice I made was mine to make. You wouldn't have had the power to stop me. And look at me now." His hands unfolded, and he struck a pose. "Handsome as ever. So, what have you found? That earthquake?"

"Oh, right. The epicentre was just outside the city in the mountains." Lin Jin showed it on the map, and Zhao frowned. He finished his popcorn and popped a lollipop into his mouth, squinting. Lin Jing continued. "An archaeological team was working there, luckily nobody was harmed. I... tapped into their computers, and it seems that the earthquake and the landslide it caused revealed a hidden cave with an ancient doorframe. They are checking the markings on the entrance."

"Did you get hold of any pictures?"

"Yes, here." Lin Jing gave him his phone, and Zhao quickly went through the pictures. He swore.

"Out of all the places," he whispered. He had been to that cave all those years back, posing as Kunlun. Coincident? Not Likely. "You lot start packing. We are officially going on an expedition first thing in the morning." He looked at his watch. It was past midnight already. Such a busy day... He went into his office and started preparing.

At five am Yunlan was dosing off in his office, his feet on the desk. A sudden buzz of the phone jerked him awake, and he looked at the small device with malice. "Yeah?" he yawned. If it wasn't anything urgent...

"Chief Zhao," said a familiar voice, and he suddenly felt very awake.

"Shen Wei? What's wrong?" He took the feet from the desk and tensed, ready to take action.

There was a short pause at the other side of the line. "My apologies. It must be too early. You told me to call you in the morning." Yunlan checked the caller ID.

"You are already at the university?" He was bewildered seeing the familiar number of Shen Wei's study. He heard a short exhale and grinned, recognizing the sound. When Shen Wei was amused, he used to blink, exhale through his nose and smile slightly. Some things didn't change.

"Yes, I was asked to study an old inscription. Perhaps I will be able to decipher it. I am heading there in a couple of minutes. Now then, I believe the door to my apartment is safe, no barging in?"

Zhao laughed earnestly "I guess today is not the day. Professor Shen, I'm leaving town for a couple of days. I may be out of range. Please stay out of trouble while I'm gone?"

"I believe I had managed to do so my entire life," came the reply. Yunlan frowned but composed himself quickly.

"All right, professor, have fun with that manuscript or something. I'll call you when I get back," he hung up.

"Can you not flirt in front of me?" asked Daqing from the armchair he was occupying. He stretched his human arms and legs and yawned.

"Nobody forced you to spend the night here," commented Zhao. Da Qing looked at him, offended, and left the room without a word. Zhao swore. The Damned cat was so happy to see him alive. Of course, he would choose the same room to sleep in. He made an angry sound and followed his deputy. "Come on, Fat Cat. I'll give you some snacks, huh? And when we come back, I promise to buy you fresh salmon to eat at home."

"You'd better," Da Qing muttered.

"I always keep my word."

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