Home alone

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Zhao Yunlan laid Da Qing gently on the sofa in his apartment and patted his head.

"Is he going to be all right?" he asked.

"Yes, he just needs some rest." Shen Wei responded, putting his hand reassuringly on Zhao's shoulder.

"Can you make sure?" Zhao asked, and the professor smiled, knelt down and used his energy to check on the unconscious man. He had done this several times already. Each time Zhao got anxious, he would repeat the process. Even though entirely redundant, it made his friend less worried, albeit for a couple of minutes.

"He is fine, don't worry." Shen Wei stood up. "Perhaps we should prepare some food. He will be hungry." He decided to distract Zhao with some simple tasks.

Yunlan went to the fridge and rummaged through its contents.

"Damn it, there's nothing fresh enough!" He shut the door of the fridge angrily. "I'll go buy some milk and fish. Be right back." he grabbed the keys.

"Don't forget to buy some vegetables." Shen Wei was already in the kitchen.

"He doesn't like-"

"No, but we need to eat too."

"I don't like-"

"You don't like my cooking?" Shen Wei straightened and looked at Zhao with raised eyebrows. There was a clear challenge in his eyes. Yunlan swallowed hard and laughed nervously.

"How could I not love your cooking, dear Brother Black. I love everything you make. Or do." He spread his arms wide and winked. "I'll bring the best quality vegetables for you." He took out a lollipop from his pocket, waved, and went out. Shen Wei shook his head and reached for a pan.

He was rinsing rice when he felt movement in the room. He tensed, then spun, and quickly relaxed. Da Qing was staring at him from the sofa, scratching his ear.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" Shen Wei came up to him, smiling.

"Um, how did I get here? I was..."

"We brought you back. Those men will never harm anyone ever again. Zhao Yunlan made sure of that."

Da Qing looked around, confused. "Where-"

"He went out to buy some food. Don't worry, he will be back soon." Shen Wei sat down on the sofa. Da Qing was visibly distressed. "What is it?"

"Is he mad at me?" The professor was taken aback by the sudden question.

"Of course not. Why would you think so?"

"I got snatched right from our doorstep. Like some idiot. I am a superior 10.000-year-old cat and got kidnapped like a kid."

"Da Qing," Shen Wei looked straight into the boy's eyes. "If he is angry, then only with himself for letting you get gurt. He was awfully worried. Trust me."

The boy scratched his neck. Then his hand froze when he discovered something missing there.

"Um, can I stay at your place? I want to be alone for a bit." He said miserably.

Shen Wei looked at him, surprised, but nodded and fished out the keys from his pocket. He was about to hand them when Da Qing changed into a cat, walked to the door and sat down, waiting for him expectantly.

"I promise not to leave any hair on your furniture," the cat said quietly. Shen Wei smiled. "That never bothered me before."

"Wait," Da Qing's eyes widened, and he looked up with a pitiful expression. "So I did shed on the sofa?"

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