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"Ryan" she smiled, I let go of her hand

"Karma's a bitch ain't it louis" jorie laughed, I walked out of the room and cried hearing those words broke my heart. I sat outside of her room until I was cooled down.

"Louis" jorie said taking a seat next to me "I'm sorry for saying that, that was mean." I just looked at her "are you just gonna stare at me?"

"I mean what made you say that, I said sorry so many times, this is the most I've cried, ever! But you don't understand! I fucking love her! I didn't want this to happen but my last couple of girlfriends have cheated on me and that's where my mind goes. everyone else has forgiven me but you haven't and I don't understand why. I get that she's your best friend and I hurt her but for gods sake her mother forgave me and you haven't so if you want to hate me, hate me but I'm not letting Sam go" I told her stopped looking at her

"Guys! Stop yelling your scaring Samantha" Jeanne told us, we both nodded and I walked back in the room.

"Hey louis, the doctor said that some things can trigger her memory" Jeanne told me

"Really?" I stated/asked, she nodded

"Yea why don't we try in the morning so we can sleep at least for a little I mean it is 5am" she laughed

"Yea okay sounds good" I took a laid down on the couch and pulled my phone out to text Niall that I have and idea and to brig his guitar, then feel asleep.


i woke up to two girls talking, i opened my eyes to see jorie and sam talking and laughing.

"Look sleeping beauty is awake!" Sam laughed, I say up and gave jorie a confused look she just raised and eyebrow at me

"Do you remember anything?" I asked moving the chair closer to the bed, she smiled widely and nodded her head "let me hear it!" I said eagerly

"Okay I woke up when you all were sleeping and I got up to find my phone in the bag my mom brought me and I looked threw the pictures" she handed me he phone with the picture on it, it was a picture of her and I on the night of the concert we were both making silly faces, she had the flowers i gave her. 

"may i?" asking her if i could look at the other pictures 

"no go ahead" she answered, we took many pictures that night, i stopped at my favorite picture it was where she was sitting on my lap, she was laughing yet kissing my cheek while i was laughing at something, it was my screen saver.  i handed her phone back to her with the picture still on her phone. 

"i like this one too" she told me and set her phone back down 

"so what do you remember of that day? from the picture" i asked her 

"i remember the whole day, it took a bit of thinking but i remember that it was the day of jorie and nialls date, me and niall pranked all of you!" she stopped and laughed " then we surprised jorie with a concert, you brought us up on stage but i cant remember that part, like what we did on stage. then after you and i went on a walk, you gave me flowers and then you know" she stopped and blushed

"so you remember that im your boyfriend" i perked up

"im just gonna give you guys a moment" jorie got up and left the room, so i took a seat on the bed, that chair was so uncomfortable

"yes, i do i remember ever detail of it" she smiled and took ahold of my hand, i smiled and looked up at her i was so happy she remembered me

"do you remember anything els? or have any questions..." i asked

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