Truth or dare

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"So love do you want to play truth or dare?" louis asked me putting his hand on my knee, just the small touches by him makes me shiver I mean the good shiver. it's like a bolt of electricity goes through my body.

"Umm yea sure, but I don't like to do dares very much" I whispered, I just got really shy for some reason but I just couldest shake it. The it went silent

"Alright well Niall You should go first" harry breaking the silence

"Okay umm, liam truth or dare?"


"I dare you to hold and sit around all the spoons we have in the flat!" Niall laughed

"Your evil!"

Everyone got up and tried to find all the spoons we could. Everyone came back with at least 5-6 spoons and put them around him he pick up one for each hand and shifted uncomfortably.

"Okay, Harry truth or dare?" Liam asked

"Dare" harry said very confidently and sat up straight

"I dare you to let sam straighten your hair! And let us take pictures!"

" what happens if we don't do it?"

"To do everyone's laundry and make everyone food for the whole week"

"Ugh that's to much work! Fine!"

"Does any one have a straightener here?" I asked

"Not that I know of" louis answered

"I can to and get one from my house then!" I stood up and started walking towers the door but I felt a tug at my hand making me fall backwards

"I'll walk with you" louis said not letting go of my hand. I want to let go so bad but I just do t have the will power to do it and I know it's bad I have a boyfriend. I mean I love him but there's just something about louis that I can't explain. We get into my yard and I let go of his hand. I love Ryan and I can't do that to him. I look over at louis and he smiles back at me. gah his smile is hypnotizing

"So I have have to dogs that will go crazy when you walk him just to let you know"

"That's alright I like dogs love"

"Okay!" We walk in to my house and like I said my dogs go beyond crazy, we stay and pet them till they calm down and walk to my room. He looks around my room while I look for my hair straightener I'm one of my many boxes. yes I still have boxes that aren't unpacked don't judge. I look over at him to see what he's doing and he picks up a photo album jorie made for me for my going away a present. he looks up asking if he can look at it I give him a nod. I finally go and look in my bathroom and look for it and surprisingly I find it where it's suppose to be😂. I walk back to louis and sit next to him to look at the pictures to and he comes up to a picture of me and Ryan on our first spring break together. we were with my family in Florida we were in the beach, I was sitting on his lap kissing his check. that was the best spring break ever!
"Who's that?" He asked pointing to Ryan
"That's my boyfriend Ryan! We've been dating for almost a year and a half!" I say with the biggest smile ever. I really should call him soon. i miss him! When I mention boyfriend louis face falls into a frown. I don't know why I mean we literally just meet. I brush it off not thinking if it.

"We should get back to the boys don't you think?"

"Oh yea, the are might be worried about is" he says with no emotion. that's unusual he's normally the happy playful person with with mind of a child right?

"We're back and I brought my straightener" waving my straightener in the air "sorry we took i long we got caught up looking at my photo album"

" Mhm sure... that's what happened" Niall smirked. Wow,why are these guys so cheeky!

"I do not lie!" I protested stomping my foot

"That's a lie! You lied about not knowing us!" Harry protested back

I laughed " how about we keep playing while I do Harry's hair!"

"Alright. Who's turn was it?" Zayn asked

"It was mine!" Harry said whip slapped his arm for moving while I was doing his hair "okay, soooo Sam truth or dare?"

"Umm truth"

"Do you have a boyfriend and if so we want details!"

"I do! His name is Ryan we've been dating for about a year and a half. we are going to try and make this long distance relationship work, we know it's be hard but we really love each other! Is that good enough for Ya!"

"Nope we want a picture!" Harry states crossing his arms

"Fine,fine here you go!" I pull out my phone showing the some of the pictures we took together they all ohh and awed at them except louis he found do amusement in it.

"Okay umm louis, truth or dare?"

"Umm dare"

"I dare you to tell us your deepest darkest secret!"

"Umm I have a couple many people don't know"

"Tell them all!" I say while picking up yet another curl on Harry's head.

"Fine! I have a foot fetish,I would rather cuddle then kiss all the time, I really don't like carrots and although I'm live the dream life when I was younger my dream was to be a farmer not a singer."

"Those aren't very secretive..."

" yet did you know any of them.." He laughed


" alright! Niall! Truth or dare!" Louis seems a lot happier now I wonder what was worth earlier...


"Loser, what's your favorite thing to do other then eat sleep and hang out with us!"

"Umm going to the zoo and looking at my favorite animal the giraffe!"

"Done!" I yelled dropping my straightener on the ground!

"Wow Nicely done!" Liam says while standing up and walking towards us

"I'm board of this game can we do something els!?" I ask while sitting next to louis

" I have one more question for you got it!" Niall asked

"Got it" I stand up and salute him. everyone starts laughing

"Who's your favorite?"

I pulled out my phone and showed them the case "i mean really, what kind of question is that Niall!"

Niall fake crys into zayn shoulder while zayn comforts him. I stand up and walk over to him and pull him in to a hug.

"Awe it's okay niall! Don't worry your my best friends fav. don't tell her I told you this but she's got a life size poster of you in her room and I'm pretty sure she talks to it!" (OH YOU LOVE ME!) he starts to laugh so hard he crys

Suddenly my phone stars to ring Jories ringtone and it just happens to be a act my age by them they all chuckle and I look over at niall and whisper "this is her"

" Do you guys mind if I answer this... its a facetime"

"Nope" they all say in unison creepy! "Oh wait have you told her you know us?"

"Umm no this is the first day I've meet you! Oh can I tell her?"

"Yea but we've got a little plan on how to tell her... you lay on the couch and just act how you act around her kay and we will handle it from there alright!" Zayn adds

"Um yea sure... but hurry and get out of the shot or you'll ruin all the fun!"

"Alright! Alright! Wait you said Niall was her favorite right!" Liam asks before they all go mute. I shake my head yes and answer the phone

"Hey gurl hey!" She way to hyper and this is gonna be Sooo much fun!

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