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"Lou, come on get up. your mom and I made breakfast" I said shaking his shoulder

"Mm what is it" he mumbled turing to me

"You'll have to get up and see" I smirked walking out of the room

"Rude" I heard him yell then felt two hands on my waist and pick me up

"Put me down Louis" I yelled

"Never" he yelled and started tickling me

"Louis put me down" I laughed, and started smacking him

"Hey don't do that!"

"Oh right I forgot that's Harry's job" I laughed as he let me down, he just glared at me "speaking of Harry I talked to Jorie the other day she says he keeps cuddling Niall cause your not there" I laughed getting him a plate of food

"Thanks, Typical Harry" he laugh, shoving food in his mouth

"Mhm" I agreed

"Are you not going to eat?"

"I already ate while you were sleeping"

"Oh okay, what's the plan for today?"

"Your mom thought we could go see sisters grandparents till you have to leave so she's getting everyone ready" I told him putting his plate on the sink

"Okay I'll go pack and get ready then"

"Okay I'm gonna help your mom, I already packed"


"Grandma, granddad this is my girlfriend Samantha" Louis introduced me

"Lovely to meet you sweetie" his grandma said

"You too" I said returning the hug

"Louis dear are you hungry would you like something to eat before you get on that plane?" His grandma asked

"No I'm okay, I have to leave soon anyway just came to say hi" he answered


"Flight 352 to Los Angeles California is now boarding" the lady said over the speakers

"Bye mum" Louis said giving her one last hug "I'll come visit some more next break okay" she nodded and wiped her tears away and be moved over to me "I'll see you in three days okay?"

"Yes my flight is at 10am" I hugged him

"Okay I have to go love" we let go of each other

"Bye" I have him a kiss "I love you, call me when you land"

"I will, and I love you" he replied giving me another kiss

"Bye louBear!!" Lottie yelled

"Bye guys!" He waved from the terminal


"I'm home!" I yelled walking into the house. I walked to the back yard to find everyone sitting around the fire. it's around 8 pm now I stayed at Louis moms house for a while after we came back, I helped her with all the kids and stuff and told her I would visit before I left on Friday.

"Hey Sam!" Jordan said

"Hey Jordo" I replied as I walked over and say on his lap... There were no other seats.

"How was Louis parents?" Sheri asked

"His parents are divorced so it was just his mom there, his stepdad was at work I think but very nice lots of kids"

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