Im here!

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The flight to Doncaster was the longest flight of my life!!! It was way too long to keep me preoccupied! The drive to the house from the airport is about a half hour drive, and it was around 2:30 when we arrived. The first thing we did was update our phone plans so we could text and call internationally.

My mom called my dad letting him know we got home safe and all that boring stuff while I texted jorie telling her about it all and about the house, I told her I would Skype her later showing her around. When I started unpacking I started hearing people outside I figure it was the neighbors however the voices seemed to multiple and get louder. I went to my window to see what it was.
"Oh my god! MOM!" I yelled looking out the window with my jaw open. Mom my ran up stairs as fast as she could

"What! What's Wong Hun!" She asked acting scared. I told her to come over to the window with me.
"What the?" She whispered
"who are all those girls! And why are they in our yard!"

"Mom what are we going to do? I don't want a bunch of girls on our yard! I mean why are they even here?"

"Well what do you want me to do?"my mom asked "maybe we should wait it out and see what happens?"

"Alright, but they better not scream all night!" I replied angrily
I started unpacking/designing my room, it was already painted from the trip before we moved in. I started putting things in my walk in closet.(did I mention I have a couch in my closet! Crazy right) when I was done unpacking clothes I started unpacking my my guitar and violin, I also play the drums but we they were already set up.


My mom and I got pizza for dinner because it was our first night and we have no food at the house. We decided to end our night by watching the best movie around, Peter Pan! Once the movie was over we washed the dishes and went up to bed.

As soon as I entered my room, I grabbed my computer and watched Jorie and my YouTube videos, that's when it really hit me hard.
"Damn I miss my friends"

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