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so we flew to Anaheim california last night, can you belive it we are in the city of disneyland! i hope we will get a day to spend there ive never been adn i would love to go! right now we are in the hotel getting ready for the day, im helping jorie pick out her outfit.

"here what about this?" i asked picking out a cute skirt adn a shirt

"no, no skirt" she told me and laied back on to her bed

"okay what about..." i said looking threw her bags "this" i thoughing her shorts, a light blue shirt that said pink on it and teal converse

"i guess" she shugged and put it on "wann do my hair?" she asked

"sure" i told her to sit down in front of me so i could do her hair. i did a bigger side braid then put it into a ponytail with smaller braids in it.

"perf. done!" i said patting her on the shoulders

"Thanks!" She got up and started walking out of the room

"Hey, get back here and help me!" I yelled

"What will I be helping you with?" She asked

"My outfit" I smiled

"Ugh!" She groaned and sat back down

"Your the best! Now what should I wear?" I asked waking over to my suitcase

"Beats me" she scuffed

"Wow thanks for the help"

"Always here for you" she laughed, I looked though my clothes and picked out maroon dress

"How about this" I asked

"No to dressy" she shook her head, I grabbed jean shorts, a white shirt, black vans and a black under armer hat with my hair curled.

"Better?" I asked showing her he outfits

"Much" she nodded

"Alright let's go meet the boys at the stadium" I stated


"Hi boys!" Jorie ran in and jumped on Niall's back and stole his food out of his hand

"Really jorie!" He yelled "I'm not in the mood!" He stormed out

"What's wrong with him?" She asked

"I'd rather not say and have him tell you" Zayn told her

"Should I go after him?" She asked, all the boys nodded so she walked out of the room to try and find him.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked louis and sat on his lap

"Management is trying to pull a bunch of crap with him and he's just pissed about it but he'll get over it unless he's not telling us something about his little meeting" louis whispered to me

"Gotcha, so how was rehearsals?" I asked the boys

"It could have been better" harry scoffed

"That bad?" I asked

"Yea lets not talk about that now and just hope the concert goes better" Liam answered

"Alright, so do you guys want to go to lunch or do you have to stay here?" I asked

"Let me go talk to Paul and see what we can do" Liam got up and left, we all just sat there in the quiet, I was texting bailey while I think the others were scrolling through Twitter.

To Styles lovah
Hey love! How's school going?

From styles lovah
We only had one dance and in done with this dance team! I wish I would have went with you guys I only have two main classes it's so stupid!!!!

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