Meet the parents

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"Sam...babe wake up" Louis whispered to me, shaking my shoulder

"I don't want to" I said opening my eyes but pulling the covers over my head

"You phone keeps going off annnnnd Harry made breakfast" I took the covers off of my head when I heard breakfast, I opened my eyes and louis was on top of me luckily he wasn't sitting on me

"Please don't sit on me" I said giving him the puppy dogs eyes

"Well I was going to sit on you if you didn't get up but you got up so I won't sit on you"

"Thank you" I said propping up on my elbows, in one swift move louis had pulled me so he was sitting up against the head board and I was straddling him, I put my hands on his chest and gave him a quick kiss
"So what are your plans for today?" I ask

"The boys and I have to go meet management and talk about the tour in two hours or so but after that we have nothing to do why what's up?"

"My parents are coming home today so I was going to spend the day with them and wanted to know if you wanted to join... I mean you've meet my mom before" we've been dating officially for about a week or so, Niall still hasn't asked jorie out, I think I need to get myself on that cause o know she really likes him they been on little dates like going to the movies it out to eat and so have me and louis, I just don't know what we are going to do when the go on tour in 3 weeks! We spend everyday with them I mean jorie and I do nothing other then hang out with them, and jorie has only has less then 3 weeks left in England and we haven't done anything just me and her! "I mean you don't have to of you don't want to it was just an idea"

"I would love to samantha" he said cupping my cheeks

"Okay" I said very faintly and gave him a kiss until there was a knock on the door

"What do you want" louis calls, I get off of him throw one of his sweat shirts on as Niall walks in

"Liam wanted me to tell you that we have to leave in an hour the meeting stone changed" Niall said leaning up against the door frame

"Okay cool, how long will we be there?" Louis asks

"Umm I don't know, all I know is that we are deciding on an opening act and what bus we want" Niall said with a wink "and some other stuff" Jorie walked up to the door and Niall put his arms around her so now she was i front of him his arms around her waist and his chin resting on her head

"Oh right!! I think remember Liam telling me that" louis returns the wink

"Hey Sam what are we doing today while the boys are there dumb meeting?"

"Um my mom and dad are coming home today, they should be home in an hour or so according to all my moms annoying updates" I said handing her my phone so she can see the messages my mom has been sending me

"Alright what about after like then the boys get back?"

"We don't have anything planned other then sit on our asses the rest of the day" Niall says letting go of jorie and falling on to the bed

"I was planning on spending the whole day with my parents Sooo I don't care what you do, its up to you"

"Okay I'll just hang out here when the boys get back!" she said joining Niall and Louis on the bed "your gonna go a whole day with out seeing louis!" She acting surprised

"Nooo, one I can see him right now and two when he comes back he coming over to hang out with me and my parents" I said a little more quite

"Ahhhh meeting the parents, have fun with that one lou" she said with a wink

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