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bailey and harry have been gone for and hour, it is currently 5pm and we area all watching pick panther. the hospital kindly brought in another couch so everyone had a place to sit, louis was laying down with me on my bed but half of my body was like on top of him i dont know if its comfy for him but im super comfy, then niall and jorie took up one couch so zayn and liam were on the other couch. my mom left earlier this morning to keep my family updated on me and said she will be back tonight. i pulled out my phone to text bailey

To: bailey!!--- where have you been! you have been gone for an hour

To: bailey!!!--- you better be back in the next 10 minutes!

"hey louis?" i looked up at him

"whats up love"

"weren't we suppose to fly back today?" i asked him

"you remember that?"

"yea i guess" i smiled

"and yes we were but, we kinda cant" he laughed " so we will leave when you are ready to go" he told me and planted a kiss on the top of my head

"okay, do you know when i get to leave? this bed isnt comfy" i told him

"i know as much as you love" he frowned and i groaned then watched the movie again, at the end of the movie harry and bailey walked in the room

"where have you been!" jorie and i said at the same time

"taco bell" bailey told us and we all laughed "whats so funny, harry said hes never been"

"love, he lied we go there every time we are in America" zayn told her

"harry edward styles!" bailey yelled and hit him on the chest

"can you blame me wanting to take you out to eat or hang out with you" he defended him self making her blush and me and jorie fangirled

"anyway...." bailey said trying to change the subject

"so what do we do know? im sick of movies" i stated

"truth or dare?" louis proposed, and we all agreed

"well dont sit so far away, you guys act like im contagious or something" i laughed and everyone cam and sat around the bed.

"okay so who goes first?" i asked

"oldest!" harry yelled knowing

"guess that louis" jorie said

"ugh! truth or dare.... liam"


"why have you been so sad the last couple of days?" louis asked

"well, you guys know that ive been dating sophia right" we all nodded "well we broke up right before we left to come here" he looked down in his lap

"awe Li Li why didnt you tell us?" i asked

"i didnt want to ruin your trip here" he stated

"awe we are so sorry liam!" zayn cooed and gave him a hug "we will find someone for you dont you worry!"

"ha ha okay... jorie, truth or dare?"


"HA i dare you to smell louis feet every time someones phone goes off" he laughed

"okay" she said like that wasnt a big deal but man ive slept in the same bed as him and man do his feet smell! being the nice friend i am i texted everyone in the room so she had to smell his feet 8 times.

"bailey truth or dare?" jorie asked


"i dare you to.... sit on harrys lap for the rest of the game" baileys face instantly went red, it was hilarious.

"come on over love" harry patted his lap and bailey crawled over to him and sat on him

"louis truth or dare?" bailey asked


"if you were to swap bodies with someone in this room who would it be and why?"

"ooo thats a hard one...ummmm niall, cause i would love to eat as much as him and not get fat!"

"zayn truth or dare?"


"i dare you to die your hair blonde..." he laughed

"no, nope, nine, never,NO" he yelled

"then if you dont do a dare then you have to have your nails painted hot pink for a month" louis stated

"Eh that's not that bad" Zayn said "I'll paint my nails"

"Okay,just remember we have several photo shoots and out tour started in two weeks" louis stated

"Hurry Bailey I have pink nail polish in my bag and paint zany's nails" I told bailey and she did just that

"Okay, Sam truth or dare?"


"First kiss?"

"Lame! But this is pretty sad cause it was ryan" i laughed, and so dd the boys "hey don't laugh, I'm a busy girl!"

"Sure you are babe sure you are" louis said and kissed my temple

"Fine! Louis truth or dare"


"I dare you, to die your hair red when we get back to the hotel and dress like Peter Pan for the first week of the tour"

"Even during concerts" I nodded "that's not gonna make Lou happy"

"She'll be fine!" We played the game for a good half hour, someone dared harry to go song a song from high school musical in the hall way jorie ended up joining him it was so funny!! We ended up putting another movie in but I just played on my phone and took pictures with louis.

"Okay love I think we are going to head back to the hotel we will come see you tomorrow yea?" Liam stood up and told me

"Yea that's fine! Bye guys!!" I waved and liam, harry, niall and Zayn left. everyone was looking at me "go! You girls don't have to stay here, go leave me!!!!" I told jorie and bailey, they both got up and ran to catch up with the boys.

"Now what?" I asked

"Wanna walk around?" He asked

"Sure but let me change real quick" I got up and wheeled the IV into the bathroom and changed into black athletic sweat pants and my purple golfing shirt then walked out. I saw my doctor and louis talking about something.

"ah Samantha, we have test results back" he told me so I took a seat on the edge of the bed

"Can I leave?" I asked

"You can but you need to be drinking water everyday for a awhile and these pills to keep everything in line, once they are gone you are dive with them" he told me

"Yay, just one a day right?" He nodded

"Just sign the release papers and I'll send a nurse into take your IV out and your good to go, goodbye Sam, it was nice working with you" he shook my hand and walked out of the room

"Yay love we can leave!!!" Louis cheered

"I know!!" The just walked in told me to take a seat and took my IV out, it felt really weird cause the needle was really long, she put a small band aid on my hand and told me I was good to go and left with the papers I signed.

"Now what? It's 8pm" louis asked

"Real food and back to the hotel for sleep please!!!" I begged

"Sounds like a plan!!" He took my hand and we walked out of the hospital.

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