tour ready

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its been a week since we got back, the girls have to leave in a few days. nobody knows about the tattoos they only know about louis. right now we were just sitting around the living room talking to each other about the tour and how we had to get 5sos tomorrow and all that fun stuff. 

"so Samantha i don't think we ever asked you but what are you majoring in, in collage?" Liam asked 

"I'm going to double major in photography and something to do with sign language" i told him 

"wow ALS" he nodded 

"yea, i've always had and intrest in is and this is the time to presue it" i smiled 

"and photography" he asked 

"yea ive always love taking pictures in my free time, i took many family pictures and all that i took some classes in high school and all that. i was going to be a teacher in states but i figure i would have more fun doing what my hobbies are then something that i will stuggle with if that makes sence" i laughed 

"sounds like you got this all planned out" he laughed, i just nodded

"okay boys and girls, us boys have a meeting with simon at noon so we have an hour till we have to be there" zayn said walking into the living room 

"so we have to get up and get ready for the day" niall whined 

"yes niall" zayn answered 

"maybe if you are fast we can stop and get nandos" liam joked, but before he could get nandos out of his mouth niall was up the stairs and in the shower.

"man that little boys can run fast when it comes to food" i laughed and got up and went to louis room to get ready. i had showered last night and put my hair in french braids so my hair was wavy just the way i liked it. It was getting colder since it is changing seasons into fall so i put on darker jeans, a white lace flowy tank top with a gray cardigan and red vans, i did simple make up with a light red lip stick and walked back down stiars. everyone was dressed and ready, jorie had on dark skinny jeans, a superman shirt that tied in the front, a gray cardagin and blue converse, the boys had on their normal stuff black jeans and a T-shirt. 

"hey twin" i said jumping on top of jorie 

"im gonna go change" she said pushing me off of her

"awe but i wanted to twin you" i pouted 

"did you plan this?" she asked 

"no i did not!" i crossed my arms and took a seat on the couch and pouted, she just shook her head 

"hey love why are you pouting?" harry asked taking a seat next to me 

"jorie dosnt want to match me" i faked cried into his shoulder, then everyone walked into the living room

"harry why did you make my girlfriend cry" louis laughed walking over to me 

"it wasnt me mate it was that one" he said pointing at jorie who was sitting in the bean bag on her phone 

"well thats not very nice" louis laughed i sat up and stuck my tongue out at jorie 

"oh shut your mouth" she said not taking her eyes off her phone 

"lets get a move on it i was nandos!" niall yelled running out the door 

"well you heard irish get a move on it" liam said walking out the door, we all followed him out the door 


"simon will see you boys now" the lady said 

" you girls can go tot he recording booth i think we are going to start rehearsals today" liam said "we are in recording booth 10 all the way at the end of that hall" he said pointing to the left, we nodded and walked down to the booth 

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