Water park

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naturally we won the soccer game. With our amazing skills and by skills I mean distracting the boys with our looks! Today we are planning on going to the waterpark but later Ryan had to go to look at collages and soccer arenas it was one of the conditions he made with his parents to let him come here.

"So what time are we going to the water park" Ryan asked

"Um I was thinking around noon? The boys said the rented out the whole place for the day and just to meet them there when we want. Oh and louis is bringing one of his buddies to show you around so you don't have to be by yourself."

"I still don't understand why you won't come with me" he says pulling me on to his lap reding on hand on the small of my back and the other over my lap

" I don't want to leave jorie even through I know she will be perfectly fine with them and I already told you I'm going to dk online classes and all of them are collage courses so I don't need to go look at them. kay.." i answered kissing his check

"Fine but you'll have to make up the loss time with kisses!" He says puckering up

"I guess I can manage..." I said smirking and kissing him the kiss became more passionate, without breaking the kiss I turned to him straddling his lap while his hands rested in the small of my back.

"Cough cough... Get a room! You disgusting people" jorie joked while walking over to the fridge to get some food

"We did have one until you walked in... and do you ever wear clothes?" Ryan said very rudely but we both know he was joking

"That was mean ry ry" jorie "grabbed" her heart pretending to be hurt by what he said " and yes I do I have shorts and a bra on that is cloths thank you very much!" And with that she was gone

" JORIE! Get ready for the water park we are leaving in an hour!" I yelled at her "come on we have to go get ready!!" I grabbed Ryan's hand an pulled him up to my room where he was staying!

"What one?" I asked holding up a a orange one with fringe in the top of it with silver all over it and a golden one with a silver anchor in the middle and gold bottoms.

"The gold one. its my favorite one" Ryan stated

"Okay now for the important stuff! What do I wear to this collage visit!" He frantically searched through his suit cases

"Really your a boy what do you care?" I asked/yelled from the bathroom where I was changing

"Umm I care what I look like come on!"

"Well how about some kaki shorts and a jersey or a golf shirt?" I asked walking out of the bathroom "tie me up?" Asking him while I hold the stings behind my neck so it doesn't fall off.

"Sure." He gets up off the floor and walks over to me tying my suit up "but now you have to pick out my shirt I have to wear" he states sticking his younger out at me

"Fine!" I get up pulling my high waisted shorts up over my swim suit bottoms and walk over to his little area of cloths he has about 2 golf shirts and 4-5 button up shirts so I pick out white shorts and a dark blue button up shirt and hand it to him. he folds them up and puts them in my "beach" bag. i walk over to my closet picking out a shit to wear. I finally picked out my white one direction shirt I got last year on their where we are tour. Walked out of my room and down to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before we left where I found jorie sitting on the counter with a bowl full of cereal.

" I like your shirt I think I have the same one..." Jorie stated. I looked up from the fridge looking at what she was wearing and it happens to be that she has the same shirt on.

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