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It's been two weeks since sam's party and she's gone missing, Bailey went home the day after she said she knows where she is but Sam asked for her not to tell anyone cause she still wants sometime to her self but not knowing where she is, is killing Louis. He is a complete mess, not as silly on stage just go right back to the bunks after concerts doesn't want to do anything. We got him to go out to the bar once and he got bloody smashed and cried all night wanting Sam. They still haven't told anyone that Sam is pregnant either and that killing Louis too not to tell his best mates that the girl he loves is carrying his child. Everyone has been off to not having another Liam she was like the mom off the band keeping everyone in line and making sure we had everything is we went some where. It sucks for all of us Louis will barely speak or eat he come out to get breakfast and then back to the Bucks then dinner then back to the bunks. He doesn't have the guts to tell the world they broke up so in interviews he still says they are together to keep hate off the both of them. Hopefully this gets fixed
soon I want my boobear back.


Two weeks, seeing Sam everyday, school, dance, and keeping Harry updated. The day I got back I called Sam constantly till she answered but she didn't Jordan did I went off on him until he told me what happened and I rushed over as soon as I could


"Samantha Grise open this door right now!" I yelled banging on the door till one of them came, Jordan opened the door after I started yelling "where is she?" I asked in my most polite voice

"Up the stairs second door on the left" he said moving out of my way so I can go up there

"Thanks!" I said dropping my things by the door. "What the hell were you thinking!" I demand as i walked into the room

"Well hello to you too" Sam said positioning herself so she was sitting upright, I have to admit she looks like a mess to she has rubbed off all her makeup so it's either on her hands or down her cheeks from crying

"Awe I'm sorry come here" I said lowering my tone and rushed over to her and held her till she was done crying "so tell me what happened and I need every detail okay" I said pulling out of the hug


"so tell me what happened and I need every detail okay" Bailey said pulling out of the hug and looked me in the eyes

"Bailey I'm scared" I cried letting more tears come out of my eyes

"About that?" Bailey asked as I looked down at my stomach

"I'm pregnant and I didn't want to hold Louis back from his full potential he was hanging out with his friends like he was. he's better with out me so I broke up with him" I said hanging my head

"You were the best thing about him" she said picking my head back up to look at her

*end of flashback* back to present*

I have a doctors appointment today to confirm my pregnancy even though I'm like 98% sure I am. I have Bailey and Jordan come if with me. I still haven't told my family or anyone yet. All the fans think I'm back with my dad in Doncaster so I've just stayed in Jordan's apartment most of the time, I got my hair done hoping that will change my appearance a little, I got more layers and died it to a dirty blonde with brown highlights and all that good stuff hoping it changed me a little. We are currently in the waiting room of the doctors waiting to get called any minute.

"Nervous?" Jordan whispered to me

"How can you tell?" I asked looking at him

"You can't stop moving" he pointed out

"Okay maybe a little... I don't know why I know I am" I stated

" could it be cause you're 20 and carrying a pop stars baby?"

"Okay that might play a big issue" I laughed a little

"Samantha?" The nurse came out and all three of us stood up "who's Samantha?" She asked and I raised my hand "okay Samantha, I'm your nurse my name is Tracy"

"Hi, this is Bailey and Jordan"

"Is he the father?" she asked

"Um no he could.. Uh... He couldn't be here today..." I stuttered

"That's okay, I'm gonna need you to fill these out and the doctor should be in momentarily" she said handing me a clipboard and a pen

"What is it?" Bailey asked

"Medical forms for me and Louis and questions about all of this" I said while filling out everything. I was about to finish when the doctor came in

"Hi! I'm doctor Emily and I will be your doctor though this!" She said happily "now who do we have here?" She asked

"I'm Samantha, this is my friend Bailey and Jordan... The father could not be here today" I said handing her he forms as she looked though them, once she his Louis form her eyes went wide

"He's the father... You're Samantha grise his girlfriend?" She asked

"Yea I guess" I shrugged

"Just a little shocked that all" she said putting the forms down "okay let's take a look" she said " can you lift up your shirt above you stomach please" I did what I was told and did that "okay this is just gel for the ultra sound it will be a bit cold" she said as she applied it, I took ahold of Jordan's hand and Bailey put her hand in my legs and leaned in to see the screen. " alright well there it is!" She said point to a small dot on the screen, she did some measurements or something as we all watched. "Alright well you about about 7 weeks along" she said wiping off my belly that has already started showing "do you know how long you will be in town for?" She asked

"No I don't... How will this work then? If I'm gone all the time, I mean I don't even live here I live in Doncaster..." I asked as she turned back to the computer to print off the ultra sound

"Well we have many placed around the US so you will want an appointment every 4 weeks so when you know where you will be give me a call and we will set you up with and appointment there and once you go back to Doncaster I want you back here if it's not 9 months later" she laughed "I will check in on you and the baby and we will set you up with the best doctor over there how that?" She asked

"Sounds perfect thanks you so much Emily" I said sitting up straight

"Alright here you go" Emily said and handed me my ultrasound picture


Oh my god I have not updated in forever!!!!!! I'm so sorry but I'm back hoping to finish the book!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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