New song

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When I woke up I was in an unfamiliar room with my head on a persons chest, and their arms around me I'm assuming it's louis and I was right!

"Hey bitches! I hope your up and decent!!!" Jorie yelled as she barged into louis room. we both groaned and pulled the covers over our head.

"Go away!" I threw a pillow at her and buried my head into louis chest

"Nope! Because it's 10:30 and you wanted to put your new song up on YouTube!" She said walking over to me "so get up!!" She grabbed my hand and tried to pull me out of bed but louis tightened his grip around my waist so she couldn't. She ended up falling on top of us

"Sam sandwich!!!!" Jorie yelled and her and Louis went in for a hug squishing me so I decided to join but only hug louis.

"Okay I can't breath let go of me!!" I said trying to push Jorie and louis off of me. Jorie let go of me jumping up off the bed, started singing to her self and doing some ballerina moves in the corner of the room.

"Jorie...." looking over at her


"Did you have caffeine this morning?"

"I don't think so! Niall just gave me this drink and it was really really really really good!!! And I had like 3 cups of it and and and and it tasted really good!!!! Kinda like Berries! Ohhh one time I had a berry and I choked on it and and I don't like the kind of berry anymore! It was a blueberry or was it blackberry! Like the phone I've never had that phone my dad had that phone once, he didn't like it it took him like 10 years to send a text!" She said really fast and stopped to take a deep breath

"Oh shit" I said sitting up putting my hands over my face as she continued talking and dancing "NIALL! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!" You could hear him running up the stairs. Man that leprechaun is fast

"What, what is it!" He said frantically

"Did you give her caffeine!?"

"I gave her some of my coffee that had blueberry creamer in it why?"

"Wait you got her to drink coffee? Wait never mind that! Do you see her! This is why we don't give her caffeine in the morning." I said pointing over to her she still occupying her self by dancing and singing

"Yes I did get her to drink coffee why is that so surprising? She said she liked it and got it no caffeine for her in the morning" he said laughing

"She hates coffee.. now go let her run outside for a bit while I get ready okay?"

"Yea okay! Come on love" he said grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the room

"OH MY GOD!" She said waving her hands on front of her face "The Niall Horan held my hand! AHHHH!! I can't believe it AHHHHH!!! OH MY GOD!! Will you sign my phone case!!! It's a picture of you wanna see" and she just went on and on till I head the door shut letting her run out side. she's like a little puppy

"I'm gonna go get ready for our video... Do you know if Jorie brought clothes over last night?"

"Umm yea I think the bag is on the chair over there" he said pointing to it in the corner "you can use my shower if you want too love"

"Uhh are you saying I smell Tomlinson!" I said acting like I was offended

"I-I-I didn't mean it like that! I was just..." I cut him off before he could make a fool of him self

"I was just kidding and I'll probably will take you up on that" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking into the bathroom. I was in and out of the shower with in 15 min. i looked into the bag to see what Jorie packed me, I have jean shorts, underwear and a sports bra... Cool she forgot my shirt I processed to put my clothes on. I put my make up on before walking out of the bathroom. louis was still in bed playing call of duty, my favorite!

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