Phone call

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I slowly woke up to mummers around me and strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Should we wake them?" An Irish boy asked

"No let them sleep! They look so cute!" The only girl in the room said. I groaned snuggled in to the sleeping persons chest trying to go back to sleep.

"Doesn't she have a boyfriend?" Another boy asked probably Liam

"Shut up! Let me have my moment!" Jorie said a little to loud because the sleeping boy moved around pulling me closer to him.

"I'm hungry will you make me food Harry!" Niall begged

"Ooo me too!" Jorie added

"Only if you leave them alone" Harry whispers! Thank god someone who will let me sleep!

"Yay food!" Niall and jorie yelled. I heard several footsteps walking out of the room.

I finally opened my eyes to see if I was sleeping by the boy who I fell asleep on or my boyfriend. there he was the louis Tomlinson! Holding me in his arms! Awe he looks so peaceful when he's sleeping!!

"Ewe what's that smell!" Zayn yelled

"I told you I farted and to clear the room!" Jorie yelled while laughing. I couldn't help but laugh. Louis moved around a bit pulling me even closer, I picked my head off of his chest and looked up at him while his big beautiful green eyes fluttered opened.

"Well hello love"he said in a slight whisper, his morning voice was raspy and had me speechless. "I like waking up like this" he said planting a kiss on the top of my head

"Me too" I returned the gesture with a kiss on the cheek. a chorus oh "awes" came for the kitchen. damn them for ruining the moment!!

"Ugh! I guess we should get up now." I grunted trying to get up but it wasn't working with louis pulling back towards him "louis can I please get up and change and go get Ryan from my house."

"Oh Ryan's at Marks I told him we were crashing here so he's coming over later."

"Then will you let me get up and change." I asked asked trying to sit up. he eventually let me go I went up to his room where all my stuff was jorie had packed me leggings and a tank top. she I was fixing my make up and hair in Louis mirror he walked in with his sweats hanging low on him hip and no shirt (😱).

"Put a shirt on Tomlinson" I was trying to put my mascara and eyeliner on.

"Oh I know you are enjoying the view!" He says while pulling his American flag tank top on. I finished my makeup and sat down on his bed pulling several blankets over me.

"Cold love?" He asks going threw his closet pulling a sweat shirt on. I shook y head yes pulling the blankets closer to me. "Here" he says throwing me one of his maroon hoodies

"Thanks" i said pulling the sweat shirt over my head

"Come on let's go down stairs and get some food!!"

"I don't wanna get up!!!" I whined

"Come on!!" He said pulling my arm but I grabbed the head board of the bed "I'll give you a piggy back ride..." He offered raising an eyebrow at me

"You only want and excuse to touch my butt... but fine just cause I'm lazy!" He bent downs an I jumped on to his back. We made our way down the stairs and into the kitchen where louis sat me down in the counter, then jorie heading me a plate of pancakes with everything like on them.

"So what's the plan for today?"

"I was thinking staying in possibly go out to eat I don't know..."

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