girls day!

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i woke up to the shower running and nobody by my side so i imagine that it is louis. i decide i could check all my social media since i havent been in for weeks but i am trying to stay away form it because i know i will be getting alot of hate for dating louis. on Twitter I had 354 notifications most new followers some were tweets, I looked at some of them

I love you! Yo and louis are so cute!! Never break up!

I tweeted her back and follow her

@Louislover one I love the name! And two your to nice and I'm not planning on it!

"hey babe what you doin?" louis said walking over to me

"just on twitter" i told him looking up, he had just got out of the shower so he had gym shorts on and his hair was a wet mess "some of your fans are really nice"

"and the hate?"

"im just trying to ignore it..." trying to stay to stay positive

"good girl! dont listen to them they are just jelous of you" he said sitting down next to me

"when's you interview and raido thing?"

"hour but we are going to the raido first so we have to get their early so we need to be leaving soon. wanna come?"

"babe i already told you me and jorie are haveing a much needed girl time but ill go to the next one with you okay" i told him putting my phone down and staddled his lap

"fine!" he said giving me a peck on the lips "lets go down there yea?" i just shoo head and got off of him and headed downstairs

"hey!" me and louis said at the same time "where is jorie and niall?"

"i dont know havent seen them all morning" liam said looking up at me on the stairs

"have any of you checked Nialls room?"

"no but.."

"but what?"

"i guess we never thought of that... i didnt even rexlize that they sleep in the same bed.."

"same here.. come on lets goo look" i grabbed louis hand and dragged him to Nialls room "wow" niall and jorie were all tangled up together "AWE they look so cute!!!! im gonna ruin it" i ran and jumped on the bed yelling "its time to get up! its time to get up in the morning! get up! get up!" both of their eys fluttered opened but they didnt move

"sam get off im tired" jorie moned into her pillow

"why you so tired huh huh huh!!!!"

"shut up" i looked over at louis and told him to join me and he did we bothe jumped around on the bed but nothing got them up

"i got this" louis said jumping off the bed and helped me down as well, we walked over to the door frame and just waited, i decide to video tape them cause im nice like that

"niall, jorie foods ready" they both shot up with in seconds, me and louis just bursted out laughing

"thats just cruel!" niall said falling back onto the pillow

"no but really nialler we have to leave in a half hour" louis said

"what one are we doing first?"


"so i dont have to look nice YES! okay im going back to bed ill be ready before we leave, NOW leave!" niall says pulling jorie closer to him i gave her the "what the hell is going on look" she just retuerned with her crepper smile, i shook my head and walked away

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