Chapter 17: The End?

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Sapnap sighed. Why couldn't things be normal? Well he knew why. Cause they cheated but still. He looked down at the floor and couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

F: "What's so funny?"
SN: "Nothing. It's just... This is finally gonna end soon!"

He laughed again and checked the coords again, soon smiling.

SN: "I mean, we're not that far from the portal room and even if Dream does defeat the ender dragon we're all still gonna get to the end at one point to get the mask off! And he has nowhere to run so This should be pretty easy!"
BBH: "Don't be so sure. He may pull that void trick again."
SN: "Sure he might but there's 6 of us!"
S: "Exactlyyy."

Bad was silent for a bit before nodding.

BBH: "Yeah. We can do this!"

He cheered as he put his hand in the air.

SN: "... Heyy me and Mega are the only people that still have all their limbs."
A: "Hey!"

<MegaPVP> Atleast I can still see out of both of my eyes.

SN: "Hey!"
S: "Mmmm. Karmaaaa."

Skeppy laughed, followed by a yawn.

SN: "Skeppy I swear to god if you fall asleep on me the second we get to the end i'm throwing you into the void."
S: "Dude!"
 BBH: "Don't kill Skeppy! He's not gonna respawn you muffinhead!"

Bad objected, bonking Sapnap on the head while the arsonist in question laughed. Mega soon zoomed past them all.

F: "Whoa-"
SN: "Jesus-"

MegaPVP whispers to you: Found it.

Sapnap looked over at Mega and found stone brick and dirt blocks spinning around.

SN: "Uh- Okay there we go."

Suddenly an iron ax was thrown by Sapnap and quickly turned around.

G: "Hi Sapnap."
SN: "Fuck. Hey Gogy!..."
BBH: "Language."

Bad sighed and took out his iron shovel. 

G: "You're gonna fight me with a shovel Bad? Seriously?"

George chuckled as he took out his pickaxe.

BBH: "Yeah. Pretty much."

Bad laughed, spinning his shovel a few times.

S: "Bad-"

The demon hybrid simply looked at his friend and smiled. Bad started to run at George who also started to run at Bad.

SN: "... C'mon dude. We have to go."
S: "But-"
SN: "No arguing."

Mega nodded and jumped in the portal, followed by Fundy and A6d. Skeppy didn't even have a choice in the matter so he simply sighed as Sapnap went through the portal.


Dream looked at the obsidian and shook his head a bit. He noticed after a few seconds that he zoned out and he didn't destroy any of the crystals. He mentally cursed himself before equipping his sword.

D: "Oh Sapnap!"

He laughed while running at Sapnap but soon got blocked by the diamond wall.

S: "Skeppy uses his powers to save the day once again!"

The diamond boy cheered while Sapnap chuckled. Though Skeppy groaned a bit once he looked at his hand.

D: "That won't save you y'know."

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