Chapter 11: DREAM!

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"How long has it beeeeeeeen?"

"Calm down Sapnap. I don't even know-"

Fundy sighed as they all just kept walking forward. It was afternoon when they started in the morning. It wasn't that they were tired or hungry. They were bored. It's been HOUR-


Fundy yelped as he got an arrow to the shoulder. The other turned around and were met with Dream who simply looked emotionless and bored. Maybe angry. He then smiled smugly while shooting another arrow at Mega,  who blocked it.

S: "Quick reaction time jesus-"

Skeppy said before getting slashed at instantly. Dream did take a couple hearts off him but Skeppy managed to block the next attack. A6d stabbed at the blonde and ended up hitting him but Dream managed to stab at his leg which knocked him down for a bit. Sapnap and George shot at Dream but he ducked and it ended up hitting Skeppy.


G: "Sorry-"

SN: "Not sorry!"

BBH: "Sapnap!"

SN: "What?"

BBH: "Apologize!"

G: "Not now!"

Geroge yelled while managing to hop on top of Dream, pinning him down to the ground. 

G: "Finally. What do you have left to say now Dream-"

Dream suddenly put the tip of his sword under George's chin.

D: "Get off me George."

Dream's voice was cold and menacing for some reason but George didn't back off.

F: "Uh- George. I know you're stubborn to get the mask off but he has a sword to your neck-"

G: "I don't care."

SN: "George-"

G: "Look. I'm getting this mask off or attempting to in anyway even if it kills me."

He said, clearly annoyed as Dream simply sighed. Instead of stabbing his idiot in the throat, as he could and should, he punched George in his nose. This caused him to fall back because math.

G: "AH-"

George quickly stood up and wiped his nose in case of any blood, which there was. He whispered a 'crap' before hearing a clash of swords. Dream was currently fighting Mega and was surprisingly losing. Skeppy looked somewhat shocked.

The blonde American suddenly disappeared leaving behind purple particles. Sapnap groaned as he always did when the hunters lost Dream.

G: "Mhn. He pearled. God damn it."

S: "Wuss."

Skeppy chuckled while Bad smacked his head and started to scold his like a mother would do with her child. A6d laughed a bit before George saw Mega frantically look around and walked up to him.

G: "Mega what's wrong?"

Mega looked at George and pulled out his inventory for a second before looking annoyed and pinching the bridge of his nose. He took out his sword and pretended to chop his hand off.

G: "Fundy?"

Mega nodded.

G: "What about him?"

The silent one face palmed and made an 'X' with his fingers.

G: "Fundy's... gone?"

Mega nodded once again. George looked around and no sight of the yellow fox anywhere.

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