Chapter 18: The End.

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G: "... What did you do?..."

George said, slowly walking to the end island. Dream looked at him with confusion while destroying the End Crystals.

D: "Whatever do you mean?"

George started to cough again while Dream laughed.

D: "Manhunt."
G: "Wh-at do you mean manhunt?"
D: "Oh right. You got knocked out. Take a look at the chat."

George took his axe out and brought up chat. But was instantly shocked.

A6d was shot by Dream
Fundy was slain by Dream
<MegaPVP> bye
MegaPVP fell out of the world
Skeppy was slain by Dream
Sapnap was killed by Ender Dragon using magic
Badboyhalo was slain by Dream

G: "Wha... How..."
D: "GG."

Dream said while running up to George. He tried to slash at him but was blocked by the brit's axe.

G: "So you don't even want to win? Just kill all of us?"
D: "Exactly."

George sighed, as everybody else was dead. What would be the use of killing Dream? For satisfaction? That wouldn't be really useful in the long run. He's gonna have to take of the mask huh? He tried to get him down by hitting his side with the non-sharp end of the axe but failed. Horribly. Dream elbowed him in the face and got one right back. Dream held his nose but realized that wouldn't do anything. He shook his hand to get most of the blood off but noticed a few mask bits stuck to his hand.

D: "Crap."
G: "Look who's falling apart?"

Dream stumbled a bit as a few more pieces of his mask fell off his face.

D: "N-No... What are you talking about?"
G: "Aha! You really are!"
D: "Shut up..."

The blonde mumbled, managing to stand straight again. He tried to attack George again but this time the brit easily dodged. The two just kept going back and forth, Dream kept trying to attack George but the brunette kept getting out of the way and spewing taunts every time he missed. Dream seriously looked like he could pass out any second.

"what the FUCK is he doing!?"

Sapnap just looked at George with mild frustration. He was just taunting him when he could've taken off the mask by now. Skeppy and Techno also seemed to be very annoyed by George's decision.

SN: "He's being an idiot! He could of LONG taken off the mask by now and we all know it!"
BBH: "Maybe he's trying to make his tired!"
S: "Bad. Come on. Dream literally looks like a TAP and make him pass out right now."
BBH: "Oh... Yeah I dunno what he's doing."

Bad shrugged before focusing back on the void for whatever reasom. He was extremely focused on it too. Skeppy was a bit confused. 

G: "AH-"

George managed to get stabbed in the arm a few times making Dream chuckle a bit. The floridian started to hit his attacks once more. George took this as his cue to attempt and get the mask off Dream. He sighed from the blood trickling down his arm. Dream laughed a bit before going completely silent.

F: "Why does he keep doing that?"
SN: "I dunno. He never did before."
T: "Cause' his mask is falling apart."

Techno explained, rolling his eyes. He thought that would be obvious by now.

G: "Dream?"

George asked, making sure the man was still alive. Dream slowly blinked before realizing where we was.

[CRINGE AND OLD!] The Mask (Minecraft Manhunt AU!)Where stories live. Discover now