Chapter 6: Dream the Bully

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"Dream are you ok? Were you crying? "

Fundy asked. He was clearly unaware of what was happening so he didn't know Dream was basically a psycho.

"Yeah... I'm fine."

He said, wiping the tears from his face. Dream didn't want to bring anymore drama to himself so he just walked off leaving Fundy concerned and confused. The rest of the squad also came out of the portal and Fundy was bombarded with questions.

"Where's Dream?"
"Did he attack you?"
"Are you hurt?"

F: "Ontspan!"

Fundy shouted. He sighed before answering them.

"I don't know where he went, he didn't attack me, and i'm not hurt at all."

He said. He was even more confused by the questions. Why would Dream hurt him even though he was playing Manhunt? He knew why Sapnap, George, and Bad were looking for Dream but why were Skeppy and A6d there? Also what happened to Bad's arm?...

G: "No time! Sorry Fundy!"

George said while running in the direction Dream went while the other 4 followed him. 

"I- Hey! I need some questions answered!"

Fundy said and tried to catch up with them.


"What the hell was that?..."

Dream said to himself while clutching his sword. He decided not to linger on the topic and went looking for some endermen. Though when getting the 2nd ender pearl he saw something shining from the water. Being the curious killer he was he walked over there to see it was George's glasses with blood on them. Dream figured he must of died so he turned around only to be met with stab to the shoulder. It was George himself.

"Knew it."

Dream muttered before blocking the second slash with his own sword. Dream then thought of a "brilliant" idea with his 42069IQ filled brain and ran back towards the water.

"What is he doing?"

Bad asked while running in the scene. Sapnap just kept chasing after him as Dream kept swimming before holding something up with a sly smile. He got on land on the other side of the 5 and showed them what he was actually holding.


George shouted while trying to shoot Dream's hand at least but failed. Ya see George's glasses serve another purpose. His vision. So without those glasses he can't see very well so he was like 3 blocks off from that shot. Dream chuckled before there was a loud snap


Dream said before cackling like a maniac. George's glasses were on the ground, broken in half. Since tape and or glue wasn't craftable, they were broken for gooooood. George simply sighed while murmuring something to himself. 

Bad huffed while **aiming his bow for Dream before remembering what George said and cancelled it. Sapnap looked over and was confused by Bad's actions. He was intreupped being a confused little boyo by hearing a splash by George. He was trying to get over to Dream but a Drowned grabbed his foot as he start to panic. He just started to kick and punch all around. George then felt the hand around his ankle let go and him being pulled out of the water. He just guessed it was Bad since he liked to help people the most.

"T-Thank you Bad."

George gasped but there wasn't a response. He finally opened his eyes but all he saw was yellow. If this was Bad he would see black and grey but yellow? He soon looked up to see a VERY confused Dream. The rest looked confused, even shocked. George just looked up at Dream smugly.

"Why THANK YOU Dr-."

"Shut it George."

He got interupped by Dream who was aiming his sword below George's chin. Dream looked somewhat pissed but his cheeks did look a bit red- oh he got shot in the shoulder. He hissed in pain before seeing that everybody was next to George with their weapons out.

"What? Are you guys salty that Technoblade got slain into particles of dust and loot?"

Dream said with an insane smile. He pulled to arrow out of his shoulder just to throw it back at Skeppy which did hit him but dd little to no damage. It was like a pinch.


"Well cya guys later!"

Dream chuckled while running away. He still needed to get those damn ender pearls and there weren't any endermen from his field of vision. He then sighed and started digging under ground.


"George are you ok?"

Bad asked frantically as his face was the definition of worry. George kept reassuring him he was fine before Bad finally stopped. George sighed in relief before smiling.

"So uh... What happened to Dream? And what about Bad's arm?"

Fundy finally asked while looking at George. George looked at Fundy before pinching the bridge on his nose.

"It's a loooong story..."

George chuckled before taking a deep breath and explaining it all to Fundy who looked shocked and felt bad for well. Bad. 

"So we need to get the mask of Dream? Got it!"

Fundy exclaimed with a smile. He was already cooking up a strategy they could use get achieve that. He gave a thumb up and George sighed. Fundy was never the one to take stuff seriously so he really doubted he had a plan.

"I got the perfect plan."


Yes i slapped a charles quote now SH. Also i stopped there cause like- if i kept going im never gonna get it done. Anyway word count of

869 Words

69 AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ok ill shut up bye luvsss.

**Also Bad aimed the string of the bow with his mouth

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