Chapter 9: Lots of injuries

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"Wait. Seriously?"

Sapnap said with clear confusion in his voice. Fundy gave a small chuckle in response.

"Well yeah. If my plan is gonna work then we need to get some blaze rods."

The fox said while taking his pickaxe out from the chest. George sighed put organizing his inventory.

"Can't we just go after Dream when he's throwing the eyes of ender and get some that way? It sounds more simple."

S: "True.  We could probably take him 7 to 1."

F: "Dream has strength 2 while basically everybody here has no armor besides me and Mega. It's too risky to go 2 to 1. Especially when-"

Fundy cut himself off and cleared his throat before speaking again.

"Let's go. Mega told me he made a nether portal while you guys were with Dream."

He said while signalling north. He started walking and mining any ore that he could get along the way while humming a Minecraft tune the whole time which may or may not wanted to make Mega straight up kill him- But they soon arrived at the nether portal while almost dying. Fundy laughed for a bit cause Bad literally s h r e i k e d when he saw a spider. Soon they stopped and le epicly entered the portal and soon they were in the nether. 

"Let's go!"

Sapnap shouted as he was the first to enter the portal but then went dead silent. 

F: "Sapna-"



G: "What happened now?"

SN: "Dream's herrrrrrrrrre."

Sapnap groaned while pointing to the bridge that was placed down. The portal was already lit once they made it there but Mega said he never entered the portal except to check where they would spawn. Fundy sighed in annoyance but took out his sword anyway.

"He heard us."

BBH: "Huh?"

"Remember? I only knocked Dream unconscious and we never took that damn mask off. So he easily could of woken up and mined under us. If I remember correctly then you have to atleast 27 blocks away to hear somebody through your mic. So if he mined quick enough while still being slow enough to hear our plan then he could of gone to the nether before us."

Fundy explained, his tone getting more annoyed with each sentence. He then started walking along the cobblestone bridge which soon turned into running. Sapnap was running at the speed of sound while Bad was just flying along. They were so focused they totally forgot about their weaknesses after.

"H-He's probably trying to find a fortress. So he can break the blaze spawners."

Fundy said, clearly out of breath. A6d was straight up Naruto running and soon had a smile on is face. Sapnap and A6d basically go at the same speed so Sapnap got confused.

"What are you so happy about?"

A: "Nether fortress!"

The french ninja shouted as he somehow ran faster than Sapnap who was now running at the speed of light-


Skeppy yelled. George, Skeppy, and Mega were behind since they couldn't increase their speed in anyway. Well Skeppy can straight up surf in diamonds he wouldn't be able to use his legs for a while. Oh yeah! Fundy can also increase his speed since he's part fox!

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