Chapter 10: Memories

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(There is mentions of ships in this chapter! So if you don't like Skephalo or DreamNotFound then sorry owo)

The 7 were just back at the 3 by 3 seemingly doing absolutely nothing. George was with Sapnap who was testing his vision. Saying 'how many fingers am I holding up?' from different distances, A6d was still processing what happened to Sapnap, Fundy was just playing with his pickaxe, Mega was crafting things, and Bad was sleeping on Skeppy's shoulder who was just making little things out of his diamond powers.

It was dead silent besides George and Sapnap's vision test but it wasn't awkward at the same time. It was never awkward. Fundy smile a bit before grabbing some blaze rods.

"Hey guys. We can make a brewing stand."

He said quietly. Everybody else either smiled or gave a thumbs up. Fundy quickly crafted the item and placed it down then whispered a 'noice' to himself. Everybody's injuries were doing well. Fundy's hand was sewed up and Sapnap's eye was doing fine. All be it losing color and sight completely. Everybody's other injuries were just scabs at this point. George and Sapnap's test was done and now it was completely silent.

"So what are we gonna do now?"

Skeppy said breaking the silence. Fundy thought for a bit before shrugging. Sapnap blinked a few times as it still felt weird to be half blind but he was getting used to it. 

"Why don't we just let Dream win?"

The runner said while looking at everybody else. George seemed to agree before realizing.

"Doesn't Dream want to kill us for the most part?"

S: "If he was focused on that then maybe he would have armor. But does he? No."

A: "Then again if he wanted to kill us he would spend more time tracking us down than doing literally anything else."

"Wait didn't he have full iron armor at the beginning?"

SN: "I dunno. I wasn't really paying attention."

"I don't think Bad was either."

F: "It doesn't really matter. I think we should plan to get that mask of Dream still."

Fundy said while opening the chest with a creak. The looked at the menu that popped up and sighed.

"We have 13 eyes of ender right now. What do you guys wanna do?"

The fox asked while closing the chest and sitting on the ground.

G: "I guess trying to relax for now would be a good idea. After all that's happened recently..."

The Britain said, hugging his knees while looking to the side at the crafting table and- Let's not talk about what happened with the crafting table. Though those were the good days. Where they just ignored their powers straight up. George let out a small chuckle which Sapnap heard. He looked over to George in confusion.

G: "Remember that day with the crafting-"

SN: "George we do not speak of that day. Never."

George chuckled more. Sapnap's face went from serious to smiling.

SN: "Well if we're talking about that then remember you said you loved-"


George whisper-yelled with his face tinted pink. Sapnap laughed a bit. 

SN: "Sure ya did."

He said giving a grin to George who was now red.

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