Chapter 12: Eye Spy

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(TW: VERY serious injuries and needles.)

"You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round right round~"

Dream sang while throwing another eye of ender. He followed it and stuck his hand out to catch it but it shattered, the pieces falling down and soon just disappearing.

"Darn. That was the 4th one."

The blonde sighed as he just went straight for a little bit before throwing another one. He traveled for a few 100 blocks, 1000 even so he guess they just got unlucky with their spawn. Once again he threw one but he didn't see it in the air. Did he not have anymore? He turned around and found the eye of ender on the ground. He threw it again just to check and yup, the eye of ender went into the ground. Dream quickly took out his shovel and pickaxe then got to work. After like 10 blocks he got the mossy brick block he was looking for. Mined that and landed in the stronghold.

"Here we are."

He said and took out his sword.


Techno sat in the portal room but saw a name from afar. When I say afar I mean F A R. Man's was like 1000 blocks away. Though they were on the same level as him. Judging by how it's only one person Techno could only assume it's Dream. He sighed in annoyance and got up. When are the other 5 going to get here? It's been foreverrrr.

"Of course he's here first. He has the luck of satan."




George sighed in frustration. He looked at the chat box again but that just got him more annoyed.

Dream has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

"That's duuuuuuumb." 

Sapnap groaned and the rest agreed. But they just continued to try and find the stronghold anyway.  Soon enough they found a hole in the ground.

GeorgeNotFound has made the advancement [Eye Spy]


Skeppy shouted and George started to run, trying to find the portal room fast as possible. Though the only thing he doesn't know is... He's running in the opposite direction. And so were the other 6 after they dropped down and followed him.


Skeppy has made the advancement [Eye Spy]
has made the advancement [Eye Spy]
has made the advancement [Eye Spy]
has made the advancement [Eye Spy]
has made the advancement [Eye Spy]
Fundy has made the advancement [Eye Spy]

Dream looked at the chat box and got startled a bit. He's used to only seeing 3 names but seeing 7 just made him realize how much of a chance they could all overpower him. He just sighed and kept walking to find the stronghold. Then he heard footsteps.

"So they're near me?..."

Dream chuckled and took out his sword. He walked around for a bit before hearing George's voice. Once again he was talking about how to get the mask of Dream. That was getting annoying...

"Hiya Georgie!~"

He said JUST so George could hear him. That when George and everybody else went silent.

G: "Dream where are you."

George said in a serious voice. Dream just chuckled again.

D: "Like i'm telling you! That wouldn't be fair."

G:  "Well you're not the person to be talking about fair are you?"

D: "Whatever do you mean Georgie?"

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