Chapter 7: Calm and Silent

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"I got the perfect plan."

Fundy snickered to himself with a smile. George looked at him as if saying 'well?' so Fundy cleared his throat nervously then started speaking again.

"Ok. The hunters are allowed to go in the end before Dream right? Sooooo what if 3 go to the end and taunt Dream saying all 7 of us are there BUT 4 are still in the overworld hiding near the end portal then they attack Dream! Or maybe all 7 of us hide in the overworld then complete the end portal just to signal that we are in the end."

Fundy explained while the rest agreed and smiled. They were all going to take a break from chasing the masked blonde and maybe stack up on gear and weapons until George noticed something strange. The 7 of them? He told Fundy Technoblade was killed so why 7? It was himself, Bad, A6d, Sapnap, Skeppy, and Fundy. That's 6 so why 7?

"Hey Fundy."


Fundy started to respond before getting shot in the back with an arrow. Everybody was prepared to go all out but it was just a skeleton. Skeppy shot it in the skeleton in the head a few times before it fell to the ground and turned into a pile of dust that slowly faded away. Fundy pulled out the arrow and threw it somewhere. 

"Hey. You guys wanna go to a cave I found?"

Fundy asked while looking at everybody else. Sapnap shrugged and agreed, Bad agreed near instantly, Skeppy agreed as well as A6d. George sighed and agreed and soon as Fundy heard that he ran off. The rest looked surprised but just followed him. They did run into some troubles on the way. Like being attacked by a horde of skeletons and some other mobs. Fundy finally stopped when he reached an oak plank block.

"We're here."

Fundy said with a smile. He took out his axe and mined it real quick before jumping inside along with taking half a heart from the fall damage. The rest followed and were greeted with a small 3 by 3 box with 4 paths going north,east,south, and west. They went pretty far out too. There was 2 double chest, along with an anvil and a furnace. Fundy opened one of the double chest and took out a book & quill.

"I found 8 diamonds and 29 pieces of iron. P.S I went west."

Fundy read to himself and a smile went cross his face. He closed it, put it in his inventory and ran west. The others just stayed there for a few minutes.

"So... What do you think is going to happen?"

George asked while sitting on then floor and looking at everybody else. Sapnap shrugged while Skeppy moved his hair out of his face.

"Based on the book and quill instead of straight up telling Fundy maybe it's somebody that doesn't speak?"

SN: "Yeah but doesn't Fundy forget stuff?"

A: "Maybe but wouldn't he remember something like this?"

Soon they got into a full on debate before Fundy came through everybody's mic.

"-ome on! Can't you just wave? ... Be there for a second? ... Yay!"

Fundy cheered before walking back to everybody.

"Hey guys! Sorry I took so long!"

He apologized before hiding his arm behind his back.

"Anyway. I present to you: MegaPVP!"Fundy said, side-stepped out of the way to reveal a clearly annoyed Mega. Skeppy and Bad were the first to speak up

S: "So you were here with Mega this whole time?"

BBH: "Mega you muffin! Have you just been stacking up on gear without us?"

They said. Mega had full diamond gear with a diamond pickaxe in his hand. Mega suddenly looked shocked and pointed to Bad's missing arm.

"Oh. Dream became a psycho and cut Bad's arm off."

Fundy said while sighing. Sapnap looked at Bad's left arm to see the sleeve just flopping around.

"Hey guys! You wanna split up and try to find some d i a m o n d s?"

The fox said with a smile. He already had his pickaxe out and George got up.

"I-I don't think that's a good-"

S: "I call west!"

Skeppy quickly said while raising his hand like it was a question. George was about to speak again but got interrupted once again.

BBH: "I'll go with him!"

A: "Well then i'm coming with you 2."

G: "Guys-"

F: "I'm going with Mega."

Mega gave an annoyed look to Fundy who didn't seem to notice.

SN: "Well I guess i'm going with George."

Once again George was about to say something but everybody just walked off leaving him and Sapnap in the 3 by 3.

"Soooo. South?"

Sapnap asked while George just nodded and they went their separate ways.

(Now let's see what Dream's doi-)

Dream was breathing heavily as he looked at the enderpearls in his inventory. 7... After nearly an hour of grinding and looking for endermen he didn't even have 10? He was trying not to lose his shit and waste his energy on something as pointless as this. He sighed in annoyance before continuing the quest on looking for endermen. Which he quickly did. 

"Lady Lucky is really on my side this time huh?"

He chuckled to himself as he quickly ate some bread. He took out his sword and just made a massacre. About like 3 minutes later he got 10. That was his goal for now. Now he could make the eyes of ender, find the end portal, and kill the ender dragon. Maybe kill the hunters. He didn't really plan this far.

Dream quickly made all the eyes of ender he could make before looking for a village. He obviously needed beds for the Ender Dragon so that's why. He was checking his coordinates before realizing he was about 1000 blocks away from the village he was in back in Chapter 4.


He whispered before sighing. He grabbed his 2 stacks of bread and started sprinting into the direction of the village.


"Mega come on!"

Fundy said while placing blocks to form a bridge. Mega looked in Fundy's direction and collected the iron he was mining before going to Fundy. It was kinda a downside that Mega couldn't speak, or refused to, but hey. You take what you can get.


Fundy said as he jumped to the other side, almost dying if I have to mention. 4 block jumps amirite? Mega face palmed before placed the missing block to ensure their safety on their way back. Fundy was just mining diamonds and Mega went back the way they came.


Mega slightly jumped as he started to stack up out of the hole he dug and ran over to Fundy who was fighting about 3 zombies. 1 who had an axe.

**"neuken neuken neuken neuken neuken-"

Fundy was clearly panicking as Mega could hear it in his voice. He finally decided to help and shot the zombies so that they fell to the floor and became a pile of dust that Fundy kicked away.

Mega quickly scribbled something in a book and quill then gave it to Fundy who took it.

'You good?'

F: "Y-Yeah. I'm fine."

Fundy said with a nervous smile. He started to walk off and Mega followed with a worried expression.



1206 Words

which is the highest I've ever had! Even in roleplay! Bye luvs!

((**fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck))

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