Chapter 3: Lots of new faces!

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(Before this chapter starts I just wanna say, Dreams gonna do shit. also lingering potions are crafted differently)

"That was weird..."

George said while looking in the direction Dream left them. 'Stored up energy and strength enhanced I get but THAT? He almost cut Sapnap's arm off!' Dream did kill the hunters before, that much was obvious but he changed... George just can't put his finger on it...


A yell was suddenly heard through their mics as they all flinched and Bad grew more worried. George looked over and asked what's wrong.

"That's Skeppy!"


"S-Sorry Skeppy!"

Bad stuttered as he ran off to go help the boy. George and Sapnap shrugged then followed Bad. There was like 4 creepers following Skeppy and he was just running around, trying to get the creepers to stop or even explode each other if he could. He only had a iron sword and for some reason he also had a carved pumpkin on his head. Sapnap couldn't help but laugh and Bad bonked him on the head. Sapnap's laughing was interrupted by an explosion and Skeppy's scream that soon turned into laughing.

"I did it! With no help from you 3!"

Skeppy said, pointing to the hunters until George realized something.

"Hey Skeppy, why are you even in our world?"

"Eh. I was bored. I just joined and heard you guys were doing Manhunt so I just decided to stay out of your way so I wouldn't be a bother"

SN:"Wow. You weren't gonna be a dick? Suprising!"




George yelled and everybody did. Though right after an arrow went to Bad's back and soon after there was laughter. There was an arrow heading straight for George but a sword managed to block it. 

"Not this time Dream."

A male voice said as George looked up. The man was short pink hair with pigs ears along with blue eyes.


"Yup. It is I. Technobl-"

SN:"Shut it! We need to get to heal Bad!"

Techno looked up to see Skeppy apologizing 9 million times per millisecond while Bad was saying stuff like "Be careful!" or "Slow down!". Skeppy was trying to take the arrow from Bad's back while the poor demon boi was trying his best not to cry or yell. The arrow was like half way in there, though luckily they had a command where they respawn so that's good.

"So what are YOU doing here Techno?"

"Mhn. Skeppy invited me to play so I just joined him and followed him around."

"Was there anybody else who joined you guys?"

"I don't think s-"

"I exist too!"

'Another person?!' George though to himself as he sighed. Skeppy looked over in the direction and slightly smiled. It was a french accent as somebody fell out of a tree. Their body was mostly grey and black with what seems to be a buckle covering the majority of their eyes.


"Yeah! Wait what happened to Bad?!"

G: "Probably a skeleton."

[CRINGE AND OLD!] The Mask (Minecraft Manhunt AU!)Where stories live. Discover now