Chapter 4: We Need To Go Deeper

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Dream quickly hopped down from the tree and ran off. They were still playing Manhunt after all, right? He had no idea why George got mad at him like that. He was doing his usual. Defending himself but just in a different way. Plus, Bad attacked HIM first. Dream decided not to dwell in the topic and continued his current objective: find a lava pool. He obviously needed to complete the game. But he also could burn somebody along with their stuff like Bad and Sapnap! He was just strolling along under he got met with an arrow to the shoulder.

"Skeppy what the hell?!"

Sapnap shouted as Dream looked back. Skeppy looked HEATED and was glaring at Dream. Dream just chuckled and started walking to Skeppy.

"Skeppy this is supposed to be a 1v3. Not a 1v4. Well I guess you're the 3rd hunter now that I sliced Bad's arm off like a stick of butter!"

Dream started wheezing like a tea kettle once again while Skeppy was trying his hardest not to lose his shit. 

"Dream shut up."

Sapnap said as Dream looked up with genuine confusion. Sapnap was also mad but for a different reason.

"I know this is a dumb question at this point but are you sure you're ok?"

"Is this cause of Bad? If so then we are still playing Manhunt so I was just playing the game how it was supposed to be played."

Dream was getting annoyed now. Was he injured and didn't notice or are they just dumb. He believed he was fine since he had full hearts.


"No more questions."

The blonde took out his sword in defense in case anybody would attack him. Sapnap sighed in annoyance before walking off and dragging Skeppy with him. Dream chuckled a bit before continuing his journey to find a lava pool. Around like... 30 minutes later he found one. He traveled like 2 biomes and he may or may not have raided a village.

"Guess who's going to the nether baby!"

Dream shouted to himself as he quickly made 2 buckets, grabbed some water and lava and making the frame of the nether portal. 

"Now all I need to do is-"

Dream once a g a i n was interruped with a slash to his arm along with an arrow that was aimed at his head but he managed to dodge in time.

"Who's attacking me this time?"

Dream asked himself and looked up. Techno, A6d and Skeppy had iron swords and A6d had the bow.

"Oh. Its just you guys. Whats up?"

"Don't act dumb we saw what you did to Bad."

Techno said with a glare. He gripped his sword tighter as Dream sighed. 

"Why are you guys overreacting? I was just doing what I do. Defending myself and suddenly you all are having a heart attack over it?"

Dream said, grabbing a bucket of lava. He mumbled something under this breath and smiled.

"Now can you go? I'm trying to get to the Nether. Plus this is a 1v3."

He put the bucket of lava near the 3 along with some fire from his flint and steel. Some blocks too just for saftey.


He said as he lit the portal then the purple light suddenly appeared and glowed. Dream stepped in and got teleported to the hell of Minecraft, The Nether.

Meanwhile with the hunters

Dream has made the advancement [We Need To Go Deeper]

"Oh come on!"

Sapnap groaned as he saw the achivement appear in the chatbox. Bad's arm was still gone but there was a damp cloth wrapped around it. Literally neither of them knew how to treat something like that so they just got a cloth. 

SN:"What do you think the other guys went?"

G:"To Dream."

BBH:"Those muffins better not get themselves killed!"

G:"Hopefully not."

The main hunters kept chatting until they heard a voice in their mics.

S:"-anhunt right? If Sap, George and Bad are out of commision then can't we take over for now?"

TB: "Eh. I dunno."

Bad looked at George and Sapnap to see what they would say. The 2 then just looked back at the 3 near the portal.

SN: "Hell yeah-"

BBH: "L a n g u a g e."

G: "Sure. Why not"

Bad smiled and gave a nod of approval which Skeppy saw and informed Techno along with A6d. The 3 went in the portal while the OG hunters sat down in relief. Sapnap was the first to speak up.

"You think that was a bad idea?"

"I dunno. I guess we'll find out..."

Back to the Nether

Dream was currently fighting a wave of zombified piglins cause he accidently hit one while fighting a regular piglin. Instead of attracting more he just decided to build around to another island. Turns out that island would be a nether fortress. 


He said as he bridged over to the fortress. He quickly found the blaze spawner and may or may not have almost died about 300 times. He soon realized he had no ender pearls and he was no where near a Warped Forest. 

"god damn it-"

Dream said screw it and attempted to go back to his portal but then he saw Techno, A6d, and Skeppy. They must be taking over as the hunters for now.

"Looks who's stepping up to bat now!"

He said smugly while pulling out his sword walking near the 3 with a grim smirk slapped right on his face.

"Do you wanna fight? Cause if you do you're gunna get one~"


GOT IT BABEYYYYYYYYY. Now i'll say, I didn't spend time on this.
"When why did it take you so fucking long you piece of shi-"

I got distracted.
Yeah i get distracted alot. ADHD? I don't fuckin know!
Anyway word counts be like

931 Words

Yay! almost to 1000 discarding the AN! anyway cya luvs my necc is in pain and I feel like im gunna die! bye!

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