Chapter 13: We Lost the Captain

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(TW: Needles)

"Geez won't let me catch a break won't you?"

Dream said was blocking another attack from George who didn't reply. Dream kicked away Sapnap and caught an arrow from Bad.

"Why won't you talk to me? Are you mad? Or you just don't want to say cause everybody else is here?"

George slowed down a bit from the comment which made Dream smile a bit.

"So THAT's what it is! Ok."

SN: "George wha-"

Dream grabbed George's arm and pulled out an ender pearl at the same time. George tried to defend but suddenly he was in a different place. With Dream... What the hell is he planning now?

G: "Dream what are you doing."

D: "Woah. I really did a number on you huh?"

G: "Shut up. Now what do you want."

Dream smiled a bit.

D: "A 1v1."

Dream blocked off the entrance to where they were with obsidian. Yeah he did some trading with piglins. LOTS of trading.

G: "Nah I really don't feel like it."

Dream attempted to attack George anyway who quickly blocked it. George sighed as an axe got stuck in his shield.

G: "That's really annoying you know?"

George said and took Dream's axe out of his shield. He blocked a few more attacks before getting annoyed and kicking Dream in the stomach which made him cough out blood and shot him in the leg with an arrow.

G: "There's something called predictability Dream."

George put the blade of the axe near Dream's neck. Dream looked up at George who was visibly going insane.

G: "Honestly, i've given up on saving you at this point. It's pretty much no use anymore."

D: "W-Well... You shouldn't say you've g-given up... You're not killing me right now!"

Dream laughed as George laughed as well, then put the blade ON the floridian's neck.

G: "It would be really nice if you could shut the fuck up."

BBH: "G-George?"

Suddenly George looked up at Bad and quickly put away his axe.

G: "Did you guys NOT have a diamond pickaxe?"

F: "uH- I forgot to bring it. But that's not the issue here."

Dream then pearled when nobody was looking and George groaned. How many pearls did this guy have!?

G: "What's the issue?"

S: "George don't play dumb."

G: "... How much did you hear?"

George's voice went from clueless to serious and annoyed. Sapnap was the first one to speak up.

SN: "I thought you were gonna get that mask off Dream no matter what. Now you're straight up trying to murder him."

The brit went silent before sighing angrily.

G: "You guys do what you want. I'm going after Dream so you guys better get to him before me."

SN: "So what you're on your own now!? You're just gonna leave us?!"

George snickered and took out his compass.

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