Chapter 5: Respawn off!

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(There might be some disturbing things in this chapter lol)

"Do you want to fight? cause if you do... You're gonna get one~"

Dream said, standing right in front of their faces with a smug smile. He then backed up and started talking again while fixing his mask.

"If I can handle George, Bad, and Sapnap then I can definitely handle YOU 3-"

The blonde was interruped with a cut to the face by Skeppy, causing half of his mask to fall off. Dream sighed before picking up the cut of piece and throwing it in the lava below them. They were on Dream's bridge and that sparked an idea within Dream.

"Hey guys! Do you want to make things more..."

Dream pulled up the commands. Since he was the server's owner and had operations and general, he could set commands.


A: "What is he doing?"

TB: "Dream don't you dare."

Dream shrugged as he tapped something in the commands which Skeppy took another chance at killing the speedrunner. He managed to dodge and tried to attack Skeppy right back but he ran away.

"W-What did you just do?"

D:"You know YOLO?"

TB: "You didn't-"

D: "I did!"

Apparently Dream turned off the command to let EVERY player in the sever respawn. The 3 could finally see the insanity on Dream's face as he started to laugh again. A6d instantly ran off to tell the other 3 but an arrow ended up through his hand. He evenutally got through the portal but a second before he got to the overworld he heard a scream.

"A6d! Are you alright?"

A6d looked up at a worried Bad and gestured towards the arrow through his hand. A6d stays silent for a couple seconds before giving a smile.

"I'm fine Bad. But I gotta tell you something really important..."

BBH: "Yeah?"

"Ahm. D-Dream turnned off the command in which we respawn."

G: "He didn't r-right?..."

"He did."

SN: "That mothefucker-"

BBH: "LANGUAGE! But this is REALLY bad... This only means dying carries MORE of a risk..."

The 4 stood in silence but they could clearly see eachother's worry. Bad's head suddenly perked up.

"Where's Techno and Skeppy?"

A:" Still in the Nether with Dream..."

SN: "Bad news. BAD BAD news."

Sapanp quick went into the Nether which surprised the other 3.


Bad yelled as he hopped in the nether portal. A6d and George sighed then also went to the Nether.


"Skeppy I swear to god if you don't heal I'll kill you myself."


Skeppy screeched while spamming blocks everywhere to keep himself safe. He was at half a heart with no armour and he was running low on food. Dream was laughing like a madman. Yeah after this all of them could tell that wasn't Dream.

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