Chapter 1: Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Pie Eater

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3RD Person


"Oh George!~"

Dream called playfully as he walked around the cave with a smile. It was another normal manhunt. 3 Hunters vs 1 Speedrunner. The Speedrunner being Dream who, always ends up being the hunter in the end. George was running around the cave, trying to escape the mask wearing male but eventually running into a dead end. 'shit. i'm screwed.' George thought and started mining into the wall to buy just a bit of time. This was going BAD(boyhalo). Dream was winning once again as he did. This was the 3rd time in a friggin row!! The hunters needed to win but Dream was giving NO mercy. There was only one way for them to win: Cheating. But Dream said no powers allowed. Oh yeah! Forgot to mention, everybody has powers in this world. 

"Georgie!~ You can't hide from me!~"

Dream called again. He was cearly expecting an answer, and an answer he got.


George yelled in fear as he kept mining in the wall. 'Sapnap, Bad, where the hell are you two?!' George thought as he could hear Dream after him. How was he faster at mining?! Probably cause George has a stone pickaxe while Dream had an iron one. Sapnap and Bad had already died by the hands of Dream and it was taking a while to get their stuff back. They didn't even know where the hell they died so it was difficult to find the items before they despawn. Dream was getting closer as George sighed in defeat. Well, defeat he thought. 'My glasses!' George thought as he put them on.


George's fUtuRe vIsIon-



Dream said as he mined the block George was behind. 'Well fuck.' The brown hair male thought as Dream managed to slash George's arm, leaving a cut that bleed (bled? idk). O b v i o u s l y. Then another. George was trying to fight back until the sword went straight though his chest.

You Died

It said in a blocky font.


"Not today Clay!"

George whispered as he dug down and around, going back to where he came from and running for his LIFE.


He screamed as Dream just started to laugh before it died down. He ran back to where the entrance of the cave was and smiled to himself. 'Time to go after Bad and Sapnap!' He though and instantly started running.




"Oh! He trades 3 emeralds for an iron helmet!"

Bad said excitedly as he looked back at Sapnap who was gathering wheat.

"Well I got 2. How many do you have?"


Sapnap let out a groan of annoyance that they were so close before hearing a voice through his mic.

"-Apnap! Where are you two?~"

Oh no. He reconized that voice all too well and looked at Bad who was also worried and anxious. They only had stone tools and a few pieces of leather armor. They had NO idea what Dream had now since it's been like 10 minutes (snacc time :3) since he burned both of them in l a v a.

BBH:"Wait. If we burned in lava doesn't that mean our stuff-"

SN:"-Got burned...."

Both of them face palmed at their stupidity and the facts that they wasted those 10 minutes looking for their stuff before staying at the village and making that their base for the time being.


Sapnap and Bad looked over at the voice to see Dream with a diamond sword in hand and full iron armor. Along with a smirk.

"I'll give you guys a headstart. 3. 2. 1. GO!"

Dream said as he gave little time and the poor bois were running for their lives. Sapnap... a bit faster then usual. Dream took notice of this and looked at his headband. Yellow. 'Cheating huh Sapnap?' Dream smiled. He decided to take care of Bad until the demon flew out of the way, causing Dream to fall cause of the force he attempted to hit Bad with.

"Cheating... Ha! They're really desperate I see."


I'm listening to Manhunt while writing this chapter and not even watching just listening. Anyway we got a total word count offfffffffff

686 Words

w o w. that's alot of damage. TBH im proud of this chapter and BTW I w i l l update the cover one day! if I remember... yeah... . . . anyway this is getting awkward bye luvs! 

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