Chapter 2: This isn't Manhunt anymore...

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3rd Person:


"Damn it."

Dream said as he got up. He looked at Sapnap and Bad run and sighed. He fixed his mask, preventing it from getting on his face and started walking to the forest. Just to take a stroll. In Manhunt there was no time limit or anything. So you can just chill sometimes. Though your guard has to be up 24/7 or else you might get ambus-

"Not today."

Dream smirked as he heard an arrow being fired from behind him and a groan. Sapnap. He also heard the footsteps of another person. Or 2. 'all of them huh?'  Dream thought as he stood still, invisibility potion in hand. George and him had matching armor so Bad and Sapnap wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Though they might have a different trick up their sleeves.

"Attack muffins!"

Bad shouted as all 3 of them came out. They clearly had a plan from George as they were more focused than should be humanly possible. Sapnap's head band was yellow again and Bad's wings were out, indicating their power's were active.


Dream said and suprisingly the 3 stopped and looked at Dream confused. Dream would normally laugh when he asked them to stop but he was completely serious.

"You're all cheating aren't you?"

"Huh? (ow) No were not!" George said holding his head and looking like he got stabbed through the head.

"You're just saying that so we stop attacking you!" Sapnap argued, his headband turning a greyish blue. A new potion effect was coming from him. Slowness 5.

"Yeah! What Sapnap said!" Bad said and puffed his cheeks up. He walked to Sap and George and looked like he was having trouble.

"Ha! Look at you guys! George has a headache, Sapnap has slowness 5, and Bad can only jump 1 and a half slabs." Dream scoffed. 

The hunters looked to the side, filling up with guilt and regret. Pretty quickly too. Dream suddenly chuckled.

"Well since we're cheating..."

He said, grabbing his smiley faced mask and showing it off like 100 bucks.

"Can't leave me out of it can you?"

George, Sapnap, and Bad froze. They knew they were fucked for a fact. When Dream has his mask ON. His strength increases so it takes like 4 hits to kill 1 person. But now that would be 2 since they have so much stored up energy but oh. Oh L O R D they were wrong. 

Once Dream put on his mask he stood frozen for a bit. The 3 were confused. That never happened before. Probably cause of stored up energy.

"Dream? You okay?"

George asked, getting closer to Dream.

"... Yeah... I'm good..."

"You sure?"

Dream didn't respond this time. He just stood there. Until he looked up with this psycho smile. His masked changed too. The black dots have now turned blood red.

"Let's just get back to Manhunt no?~"

The masked man sang, gripping his diamond sword. He was still smiling like a psycho which was worrying the other but they agreed.

"OK... 3... 2... 1... Go!"

Dream said as he instantly put a deep cut on Sapnap's arm, blood quickly dripping on the ground below them. George and Bad stared at the injury in shock. Sapnap grabbed his arm and hissed in pain. Dream just chuckled as if he DIDN'T just almost cut off his friends arm.

"Sap! Gotta work on your reflexes!"

"My reflexes?! You cut my arm in not even a millisecond! How do I need to improve on MY reflexes Dream?!"

Sapnap said in anger as he looked at Dream. Dream just laughed. 

"Anyway im gunna go to the the Nether now. Cya!"

Dream waved as he set off to find a lava pool for something. George and Sapnap just stared in disbelief while Bad was trying to find something to heal Sapnap. Dream wouldn't react like THAT. He would at best apologize and at worst taunt. But just... walk off? That takes being a dick to a whole new level.


Chapter 2 donzo! Sorry I couldn't have more chapters with normal Dream. I just like getting straight to the point. Anyway... Word count isss

673 Words

Fewer words than last time. f u n

anyway cya luvs! hopefully you like the 1st 2 chapters!

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