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=I fall in love every time. I don't really fall in love a lot but when I do, I fall hard•Katy Perry•=


💎Helen's POV💎

Erik's hand finds mine as soon as we are out of Marco's sight, making me smile up to him. His hand feels soft and gentle, his skin is smooth and it's like he's caressing my hand with his every single touch. He turns around and sends me his typical smile; dimpled, glisterning eyes and simply cute as his whole face would light up whenever his lips curl up.

Erik stops infront of a door and walks in, stepping into a tiny room without windows.

"Where are we?" I ask as he lets go of my hand, the tingles in my body disappearing.

He opens a bag, starting to look for something as I watch him, entering the room aswell.

"Still in the building" Erik replies cheekily as he takes out another dress shirt from the bag, putting it on the only chair in the whole room, "The perks of being a football player."

I chuckle and lean against the doorframe as I close the door.

"Shall I wait outside while you are changing?"

The almost careful tone that swings in my voice causes Erik to laugh and my cheeks to turn pink.

"You don't have to, I mean, there are lots of pictures of me shirtless on the internet" he winks and starts unbuttoning his damaged dress shirt.

I feel my pulse quicken for some kind of reason as I watch him, forcing myself to look away as the heat rushes into my cheeks again. But- as in horror movies or exactly when somebody strips down- you can't really turn away; it's like your eyes are glued to the scene.

Erik has already unbuttoned his shirt halfway as he suddenly looks up to me, some kind of embarrassement filling his eyes as he struggles with his tie.

"Can you take it off?" he asks awkwardly and I nod, still unable to move my glance away.

As I reach him, I bring my hands up to his shirt and undo the next button before Erik chuckles deeply, causing me to lift my gaze up to him questioningly.

"I actually wanted you to take off my tie but I am fine with you taking my shirt off either, don't worry" he grins, my face growing more red with every word that escapes his mouth.

"S-Sorry" I stutter and move my hands to his tie, removing it quickly.

My fingers actually tremble as I do so and Erik smiles cheekily when I am done.

"Thank you Liebes"

I clear my throat and nod in response, kind of frozen onto the spot when Erik continues taking of his shirt and finally stands right infront of me, showing his sixpack off.

"Do you like what you see?" he provokates me and grins at me, his cute dimples popping out.

"Definitely" I admit, not even considering my looks as staring before.

I was not even fully aware of how close we are until Erik brings one hand up to my cheek and pulls me into his chest with the other, his gaze wandering to my eyes before connecting our lips with each other.

Warmth spreads my whole body and reaches every part of my body almost immediately as I place my hands on his shoulders and let them wander down slowly. Erik deepens the kiss as his hand that still rests on my waist wanders down and plays with the hem of my dress. His lips still linger on mine, hungry for more and lustful as-

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