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=Don't let people treat you like a cigarette; they only use you when they are bored and step on you when they're done. Be like drugs, let them die for you.=


💎Helen's POV💎

"...and the winner of the two tickets for the 'Athlets of the year' event on Sunday are... Helen Winter and her best friend Lauren Steg! Congratulations ladies!"

I start squealing as Lauren turns around to face me in slowmotion with her mouth shaped into an 'O' and her eyes wide open.

"We won, we won, WE WON!" Lauren screams and twirls me around, causing me to laugh uncontrollably.

"WE WILL MEET THE MICHAEL PHELPS!" I cheer, already imagining what it will be like to see all those famous athlets like Usain Bolt for real.

"Holy mother of god" Lauren comments as we calmed down a little and smiles at me brightly, "this will be the best night of our lives"


*the day of the event*


As the black limosine which is included in our win, finally arrives at the location for the event, my breath goes away for a couple of seconds. We are infront of a big, beautiful and old building which almost looks like a kind of castle to me. Everything is already decorated for the big evening; a red carpet is lying infront of it, big white flower bouquets are placed in regulary distances and soft, classic music is playing in the background.

"Have fun ladies," the driver says with a friendly smile on his face.

Both Lauren and I thank him before getting out of the black luxurious limosine.

"It's so beautiful," Lauren breathes as we stand infront of the fancy hotel for a while, just looking at it.

"You are absolutely right," I reply and fix my margenta coloured dress which ends just above my knees, it is so tight that I can barely breath.

"Let's go inside and get a glass of champagne before searching for our seats," I suggest and link arms with Lauren.

We enter the hotel through a second entrance since we are not famous and are not allowed to take a walk over the red carpet. Inside the building, everything is just as fancy and as luxurious as from the outside. For two average girls from a little village in southern Germany it's more than massive and simply breathtaking since we are not used to something big and great as this.

"Helen," Lauren whispers as we enter the big hall in which the event will take place, "look over there"

I follow her glance and spot a group of five men who are probably around my age. They are dressed in classic black suits and seem to laugh about something. Every single one of them is pretty handsome to say the least.

"I know that you are not really into football but do you recognize them?" Lauren squeals, I am pretty glad that she isn't jumping up and down like a kangaroo because she seems close to fangirling.

"No, I am only here for the swimmers and Usain Bolt, you know that," I tell her but don't take my eyes off of the five highly attractive men.

"They are Marco Reus, Mats Hummels, Mario Götze, Manuel Neuer and Erik Durm, how do you not know them?! They won the world championship!" Lauren whispers excited without making any attemps to look away, "And they are seriously hot, come on!"

I giggle lightly and nudge my best friend with my right ellbow, wanting her to move on to our seats. As I look up again to take one last glance of the football players, three of them are staring in my direction; the one with hazelnut brown hair turns his head as soon as he notices my eyes on him, the blonde one on his left with the slightly blushed cheeks smiles politely and the other blonde one winks at me as my eyes rest on him.

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