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ä=There is a difference between sombody who wants you and somebody who would do anything to keep you. Remember that.=


💎Helen's POV💎

I turn around rather quickly as I feel my knees weaken under his touch, goosebumps spreading my skin.

Why does he always has to practically set me on fire instead of normally talking to me?

"I've been searching you for a few minutes now, what have you been up to?"

I'm practically melting under Marco's look, there's something in his eyes that makes me want to throw myself around his neck everytime his glance travels up and down my body.

"Nothing really" I reply and watch Marco taking a sip from a fresh glass of champagne.

"It's so loud in here, you can barely understand the other," he sighs as the orchestra starts playing soft rhythms again, "let's go to a place where we can talk properly"

His eyes are burning on me and I feel somehow exposed in my short, tight dress as I nod in response. Marco smiles satisfied and grabs my hand softly, causing electricy to run through my body.

Marco doesn't even need to push his way through the crowd; he is obviously famous enough that the people have enough respect to step aside for him.

I have literally no idea where we are going until Marco stops in some kind of lounge and sits down onto a white leather couch, patting onto the spot next to him.

"Sit down and relax a bit, meine Schönheit"

Blood is shooting in my cheeks as he compliments me again and a shy smile plasters my face.

"Thank you Marco"

I sit down next to him and lean back slowly, closing my eyes as I feel exhaustment coming over me.

"Are you alright?"

Marco sounds quite worried as he puts his arm around my shoulder gently, rubbing circles with his thumb onto my skin.

"Yes, I am" I smile and open my eyes again.

"That's great," he says, his gorgeous halfsmirk practically intoxicating me, "Do you want something to drink?"

I nod and Marco raises his hand, causing a bartender to come over to us.

"Two of your best drinks please"

The bartender smiles as he notes our order and disappears again.

Marco and I sit in a comfortable silence, only the soft music of the lounge is playing in the background as I feel his stare on me.

"Marco" I say, looking directly into his greenish eyes that are full of lust and amazement.

Is it a bad thing that I somehow want him to kiss me and take me into his arms? Or even-

I stop my thoughts quickly as I realize what Marco's intensive stare is doing to me, he makes me lose my mind within seconds.

"Have I told before that I quite like your suit?"

That boy has an effect on me that I don't even know what I am saying, that I can't think clearly and that my breath hitches in my throat as soon as only his fingertips travel down my arm.


But Marco simply laughs, his arm is now not around my shoulders anymore but around my lower back and his hand rests on my side.

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