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=A rose can never be a sunflower and a sunflower can never be a rose; that's like women too, they are all beautiful in their own way. •Miranda Kerr•=


🔥Erik's POV🔥

"Look, there is the girl again" Mario says, nodding in the direction of a few basketball players.

Mario actually is right; the beautiful unknown girl tries to make her way through the people that are just too rude to let her through properly.

"I like her. She looks quite hot" Marco remarks and shows his signature halfsmirk off.

I clench my jaw but try my best to hide it; I don't like the way Marco always talks about girls. Like they are just some simple dolls to mess around with.

"I bet you don't have the balls to go over to her and hit on her" Mats grins at Marco challenging and moves one hand through his messy black hair.

Not you too, Mats...

"You obviously still don't me good enough," Marco replies and pats Mats' shoulder while his eyes never leave her, "watch me!"

He straighens his suit and starts walking over to the beautiful girl who actually manages to push her fragile body through the crowd of people. I watch Marco from afar as he pretends to be bumping into the girl, catching her like he's done it a hundred times before and smiles at her brightly.

"Are you alright?" Manu asks me quietly, watching the little scene as he leans closer to understand me over the noisy crowd.

"I am just fine" I reply, never losing the two out of sight.

Marco says something and she blushes in a deep red colour.

How does he always manages to get the beautiful girls fall for him even though it's never something serious?

"You know that the way you look at her is making me quite suspicious" Manu tells me as I watch Marco leaning in to whisper something into her ear.

"You are probably just imagining things," I say and it comes out pretty annoyed even though Manu has got nothing to do with it, "I am getting myself a drink"

I peck over to the others quickly and see Marco coming back, Mario patting his shoulder and Mats smiling somehow proudly.

How can you be proud of hitting on a girl if you will never see her again after that night?

Making my way to the bar, I feel myself calming down at least a little bit and my muscles relax again.

I finally reach the bar and a barkeeper immediately approaches me. Ordering another glass of champagne, I lean against the barcounter and close my eyes.

"Another glass of champagne please" I hear a sweet voice demanding right next to me and as I open my eyes again, I recognize the beautiful girl on my left side.

She looks even more beautiful when you see her closer; her brown wavy hair falls over her shoulders in a perfect motion, the hazel eyes rest on the barkeeper and as he returns with her drink her lips curve up into a smile, making her whole face light up.

"Why are you staring at me?" she suddenly speaks, glancing directly at me.

I snap out of daze and realize that I must stared at her for quite a while.

"I didn't mean to, sorry" I quickly excuse myself and send her a shy smile before looking away embarrassed.

"I am sorry, snapping at you was probably not very friendly" she apologizes and I turn around to her again.

"Don't be. What's your name?"

I am impressed by myself how calm I manage to catch her name, normally I would be standing there awkwardly, moving around the entire time. Of course, my feelings go wild inside my body but I do my best not to let it show.

"Helen," she responds and beams at me, "and yours?"

"I am Erik" I grin at her and try to do that halfsmirk that Marco always pulls when he hits on girls.

Helen blushes deeply and looks down, tugging a strain of her locks behind her ear.

I, Erik Durm, have just made the most attractive girl in this hall blush!

"Are you from Berlin?" I ask her politely and she shakes her head.

"I live near Stuttgart"

"Oh" is all I can say before Helen's mobile goes off.

"Sorry" she mouths at me before taking the call.

I take a few sips from my drink in hope I relax a bit but it's very hard to be honest.

"I have to go, sorry" Helen apologizes as she ends the call and looks at me sorryful.

"Okay, bye" I say and feel the disappointment fill my body.

"Bye" she replies and turns around to walk towards the crowd again.

I've never asked for her number... I am such an idiot.

"Helen!" I shout and she stops in her tracks, looking at me questioningly, "Can I have your number?"

She nods as she takes my phone to type in the key to my luck.


💀Marco's POV💀

"So what am I getting for winning the bet?" I ask and grin at Mats proudly.

No one can beat me, Marco Reus, at hitting on girls, I simply have the best methods, the most charme and the good looks to impress a lady.

"I am paying you the drinks for the evening" Mats offers as he pats my shoulder and I nod.

"Sounds great. Where is chubby cheeks by the way?"

It's obvious that I mean the cute, innocent Erik who magically disappeared since I returned. I really have to give Erik some flirt tips for the future, he hasn't had a girlfriend in a long time and doesn't seem so keen on flirting with ladies either which is strange for a young guy like him.

"He went to the bar, getting a drink or something, I suppose" Manu explains and clears his throat as his eyes suddenly rest on one spot.

I follow his gaze and look directly at Erik, speaking with Helen. They laugh and then she tells him something before turning around and walking away. Erik suddenly stops her and they swap phones, typing probably their phone numbers in.

I somehow feel quite uncomfortable, watching them getting closer and I also doesn't like the fact that they seem to get on really well.

"Erik's getting some!" Mario yells and Mats whistles as Erik returns.

His cheeks immediately turn into an even darker red colour and he faces the floor awkwardly.

Feeling some kind of angry and overwhelmed, I empty the champagne in one go and move my hand through my perfect styled hair.

Helen is my flirt, not Erik's, I was the first to hit on her, not him.

"Are you okay Marco?" Mario asks me worried, of course, he as my best friend had to notice it.

"I am just a bit sick to the stomach" I lie and fake a quick smile before gulping down everything that was in Manu's glass too.


Short update before the weekend starts xxx

Please tell me what you think about the story and don't forget to vote!

Love y'all xxx

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