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Please read the author's note below, it's very important! xxx

=Real eyes realize real lies.=


💎Helen's POV💎

I am tired of Linnea's endless tries to get Erik away from me, she is jealous, bored or both at the same time. Sighing as I make my way to the ladiesroom, I let my eyes wander through the dancing crowd and stop every time I see someone with a familiar blonde quiff.

You shouldn't keep your eyes open for him, he's the one who should fight for you. But he obviously doesn't care.

That's the real Marco, the person I imagined him to be; a famous and popular football player who only flirts with girls to get them under his sheets, even lying to reach his goal. I am pretty disappointed to say the least, I haven't thought of Marco like this after speaking to him and getting to know him but I guess he's just like the others.

The white marble floor and the giant mirror in the restroom impress me, I haven't seen something that expensive ever before, I am used to the medium standards in our community.

I place my clutch onto the edge of the sink and take out my mobile along with powder to reapply, scrutinizing my face closely. Suddenly my screen lights up, causing me to unlock my phone and tap onto the messenger sign. The text is from Lauren, asking where I am and what I am doing. I reply real quick, promising her to return soon and pack all my stuff into the tiny bag again.

To be honest, I have imagined the night quite different, I rather thought of meeting famous swimmer and athlets instead of kissing two different football players I have never seen before.


I turn around at the sound of the familiar voice and spot Mats behind me, the goofy smile of his still playing on his lips. He stumbles a few steps forward and one back again, he's probably pretty drunk.


"Have yyou seen Maaarco?" he slurrs and seems so weak on his own knees that I decide to help him a bit and carry him to the next couch.

"No, I haven't, I am sorry" I say and gesture the bartender to come over to us. "Two glasses of water please"

The guy nods and disappears behind the counter again as Mats turns around to face me.

"But... M-Marco went to search for youu"

I glance at him in disbelief before laughing and shaking my head.

"Mats, you are drunk!"

I hand him one of the glasses of water the bartender brought us in the very same moment and force him to take a few sips.

"I am pretty sure that M-"

"Enough of that Mats, you obviously got something pretty wrong" I interrupt him although it's very rude and sigh deeply. "Marco doesn't really care about me Mats, it's obvious"

"He does care for you" Mats contradicts while shaking his head rapidly. "Marco is just a guy who doesn't know how to show his affection"

I clear my throat as I think about how I can possibly convince Mats that he's totally wrong but he doesn't seem so wasted anymore, more like a little more sober than before because the slurring stopped completely.

"Mats, I-" I try to protest but get cut off.

"No Helen, I have known him for a long long time and" he interrupts himself, moving his hands rapidly, "if he didn't care for you and only stayed with you because of the sex, he would have given up by now and would have searched for another victim, believe me"

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