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=Don't judge my choices without understanding my reasons.=


💎Helen's POV💎

A sudden, sharp pain makes me wake up from a dreamless sleep that feels like falling into a deep black hole which has no beginning and no ending. It usually is like closing your eyes for a matter of seconds before you drift away and feel like you are waking up again only a blink of an eye later. I knit my eyebrows as my whole head hurts like it is going to explode any second, not being able to open my eyes already because the blackness all around me is much nicer than the beaming sunlight is probably going to be.

Sighing, I move a bit under a cotton blanket that is wrapped around me tightly, although I can't remember having any sheets around me when I drifted off to sleep. My naked body feels cold, lonely and unfitting as my freezing hand reaches for Marco's but is not able to find anything.

I am really alone.

Maybe Marco had to go already but everything that happened last night just felt so right; the crumpled material of the couch; the sweat dripping from our foreheads; his body pressed to mine, not wanting to leave just a tiny gap inbetween our chests and the deep groans mixed with my highpinched moans.

I don't regret it, not even a little thing that took place last night but my stomach churns at the thought that Marco might think otherwise.

Wasn't I good enough for him?

Did he just want the sex against what Mats told me?

Light, manly voices not far away from me make me calm down and my muscles relax as I cuddle deeper into the sheets again. Maybe he is just coming back with a nice cup of coffee, telling me that we have to see each other again pretty soon, maybe even inviting me to the next of his football matches.

The door opens and interrupts my thoughts rapidly, steps coming closer to the couch I am lying on.

"She's still asleep"

It's Erik's soft voice that fills my ears as I decide to play along with it and simply act if I still am deep in my slumber.

"Don't be so loud, I don't want to wake her"

Marco's raspy morning voice makes sparks erupt my stomach, making me try my best to fight back the smile that creeps onto my face.

"She looks so peaceful and happy"

Erik sounds sad as he says so, just as if he would regret ever meeting me or laying his eyes on me for the first time.

"Yes, she does"

After Marco's words, I feel the sheets moving and rustle a bit before a gentle hand runs down my cheek, barely touching my neck. I refuse the want to finally open my eyes as I am far too curious what the guys are doing or saying next, I enjoy the feeling of Marco touching me, sending tingles down my spine.

"Are you going to tell her?"

Erik's voice is laced with anxiety and worry as the words escape his mouth, causing me to feel uncomfortable from one moment to the other.

What should he tell me?

"I don't know"

The warmth that filled Marco's every word just seconds before is vanished and he suddenly sounds cold and distant. Fear is floating my stomach as I realize that I should really not eavesdrop their conversation just now but the curiousity is becoming stronger than the decency so I keep lying motionless even as Marco moves away from me and stands up completely after.

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