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=Hurt me with the truth but never comfort me with a lie=

Haunted- Beyoncé


💀Marco's POV💀

My fingers touch her skin gently as soon as I reached her, a smirk plastered on my face. The goosebumps that spread her shoulders show me that Helen is definitely kind of affected by my every touch, my every action and my every move.

"Let's go to another room, it's boring here" I whisper into her ear, finally wanting to make her mine since it failed so many times this evening.

I expect Helen to turn around and show me the bright smile of hers, nodding and following me afterwards but nothing like that happens. To be more precise, nothing happens at all. She doesn't even react but continues dancing and exchanging flirtatious glances with Erik who returns every single one of them, obviously enjoying my jealous self standing behind the most gorgeous girl in the entire hall, waiting for a reaction.

Maybe she didn't hear me...

"Helen" I speak up again, louder than last time but her back stays turned to my face.

I tap her onto the shoulder lightly, my fingers lingering for a few seconds on her bare skin as I watch her reaction. She finally turns around, an annoyed look plastering her face.

"Marco, I am trying to dance and you are simply annoying me and distracting me, can you just leave me alone?"

Helen sounds quite polite as she tells me so but her face expression is saying otherwise.

Pretty taken aback I only stare at her for a few seconds, causing her to roll her eyes and turn around again, continuing to move her body to the music.

What the actual heck?


My arms wrap themselves around her waist, not wanting to believe that she actually turned me, Marco Reus, down. Nobody turns me down, especially she shouldn't.

"What do you want Marco?" Helen groans, her lips pressed into a thin line as she looks at me, waiting for me to speak up.

"What has gotten into you? We had so much-"

I don't get to finish my sentence because the beauty turns her back to me as she realizes where this conversation is going, completely ignoring me now.

I am pretty much gobsmacked as I stand like frozen on my spot, my mouth open as if I want to say something which I actually want but can't.

Erik's winning grin and his obviously happy self are way too much for me, I turn around and walk away like a pissed, hormonal teenage girl.

"That's what I meant" Mats says in a sing-sang voice, starting to get a little tipsy too.

"Shut up" I groan and ruffle through my hair, watching Erik from afar as he tries to make moves on Helen; sliding his arm around her waist and pulling her into his chest.

Why is this causing me so much pain? I don't even know Helen for one day, I don't know her properly and here I am, sitting at a bar and feeling hurt whenever Erik would only look in her way.

"I am not going to Marco because I think you are catching something" Mats grins as he pats me onto my back.

I shot him a confused look and furrow my eyebrows as I order a drink to forget about the deathly things Helen is bringing with her; quickened heartbeat, sweaty palms and incredible anxiety.

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